I attended this meeting. Not a whole lot to report, but here are a few key points:
- Inbound lane will be extended on the north end across Ukraine, all the way to the Forest Hills busway
- Corinth st. will be reconfigured with a bus/bike lane taking the travel lane on the Bank of America side, which will then feed in to the Washington St. lane
- Corinth and Poplar will have bus stops moved and re-configured with curb bump outs. Corinth stop will be in front of B of A/Cohaset St., rather than at corner of Washington; Poplar stop will be at the junction with South St., near Wallpaper City
- Stop consolidation between Firth/South and Tolgate Way, dropping from 3 to 2, with better access to crosswalks, signalization, etc.
- Outbound lane will initially run as far as Murray Hill Road, but not all the way to Square, due to concerns about street space to be allocated to outdoor dining. This may change at a later date
- City would likely establish resident only permit zone on abutting side streets
Of people who spoke or commented on the chat box, only one person was strongly against the changes. He was a large property owner who was concerned about the businesses and residents in his buildings not being able to park (maybe provide some parking as a land lord?). He said he intended to organize opposition among affected merchants. I didn't get the impression that the city cared, but that this was just letting people know what was going to happen. Otherwise, lots of strong support.
As somebody who travels this corridor most days, either by bike or bus, I'm giddy about this prospect.