MBTA Construction Projects

Re: T construction news

Safety? I know that the original Hynes station was a minor transfer point for trolleys and when they built the Pike they demolished half of the station (above ground only). The remaining part is where the mural is on Newbury St.
Re: T construction news

Safety? I know that the original Hynes station was a minor transfer point for trolleys and when they built the Pike they demolished half of the station (above ground only). The remaining part is where the mural is on Newbury St.

I think the Hynes east entrance would be the best place to get elevator service in. The recessed plaza could be raised to eliminate the exterior staircase. Ref: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=bosto...hnear=Boston,+Suffolk,+Massachusetts&t=h&z=21
Re: T construction news

Who's inside at the T?

After installing very expensive faregates at Hynes east a few years ago (and never using them for revenue even once) the T has apparently removed them and then plywooded up the openings.

Seriously, the fuck is going on there? I think both entrances of Auditorium should be open all the time but leaving aside the reasons they claim it can't be done, where is the accountability from above in wastes like this?

As much as you'd like to think those gates wont be used. I'm willing to bet as soon as someone breaks a fare gate somewhere else in the system, that left-over stock will be used as a replacement or parts. As a former insider I even mentioned they should open that entrance. (That and Berklee a.k.a. the temporary Arlington Station entrence.) I reasoned that since money was spent to fix up the tunnel and put in gates, (plus I believe it is maintained as an emergency exit? why not leave it open always.) Problem is, everyone wants entrances all over but nobody wants to pay for the extra CSA's to staff them. I'm not speaking in official capacity of big-T here.
Re: T construction news

It's probably going to be reopened when they renovate the station for ADA. Less a staffing problem here than at Arlington's Berkeley St. entrance, although that one is the more infuriating closure distance-wise. And possibly more pressure from the city because of events at its namesake. I'm just sick of tripping over and dodging people on the sidewalk waiting for the #1 or otherwise loitering when every damn time I go there it's to/from Boylston around the corner.

Problem is Hynes is not even programmed in any budget. It's got more daily boardings than Kenmore or Arlington, and yet they left it off the list when those + Copley got renovated. Brilliant...now they have to stop running 3-car trains for the 5 years half the platforms are blocked by plywood fence with no visible construction going on until the last 2 months. Way too important a station to have left this long with no plan whatsoever.
Re: T construction news

Problem is, everyone wants entrances all over but nobody wants to pay for the extra CSA's to staff them. I'm not speaking in official capacity of big-T here.

Who said anything about CSAs? Go ask science park, prudencial, etc about CSAs.
Re: T construction news

Nobody ever uses those "Info" boxes where you press a button and you can get live help from a person at the HQ. CSA's should not be a reason to not open an entrance, we need more of these Police/Info boxes and they need to be advertised.
Re: T construction news

Nobody ever uses those "Info" boxes where you press a button and you can get live help from a person at the HQ. CSA's should not be a reason to not open an entrance, we need more of these Police/Info boxes and they need to be advertised.

I feel like most people see them as strictly for emergency use, and never consider that there is a "I'm Not Getting Murdered, And I Just Want Directions" option, too.
Re: T construction news

I feel like most people see them as strictly for emergency use, and never consider that there is a "I'm Not Getting Murdered, And I Just Want Directions" option, too.

I believe that's what it is, too. I wonder how often they're actually used, or if they're all even in working order.
Re: T construction news

The Hynes "Opening Day" entrance has always infuriated me. To learn that the turnstiles are gone puts me over the edge.

Yeah. Guess that is all I have to say.
Re: T construction news

Some updates behind South Bay




Re: T construction news

That's one of the new drop-in bridges they did in a single weekend. The aesthetics came out really nice on them. There's several new Fairmount bridges with that distinctive curved 'hump', seashell girder arrangement, and blue paint job.

Big-ass platforms...800 footers. Way more cars than any purely local run would ever need, but they're clearly thinking Franklin and Foxboro thru trains are going to be running down the Fairmount in large numbers in the near and medium future.
Re: T construction news

Meh, looks OK, but nothing to get excited about.


This will be very welcome - additional space between the T and the escalator.

Re: T construction news

I know this is pretty substantial work, but with the station closed, shouldn't this be done in less than two years? We need to take any lessons learned from the Fast 14 project and apply it to transit projects like this one.
Re: T construction news

I really hope those stairs won't be featuring open risers. The last thing the MBTA needs is an accident ridden lawsuit driving stair with a permanent population of up-skirt gazing pervs camping under it. Though I suppose it could be a strong metaphor for the current state of the transit system.
Re: T construction news

The additional track clearance is nice. I never understood why the trains always pull up and discharge passengers in a dank corner of the station on the wrong side of the stairs and far from the Blue line. It just creates a huge bottleneck as everyone tries to squeeze by.
Re: T construction news

Look's good though over time the "early Missiles of October" look of the Bunker has become a great capstone to the tour of the T with out-of-town visitors
Re: T construction news

I'm sure no one will be sad to see the bunker go but that massive glass box doesn't do all that much for the plaza except make it feel even clunkier. Couldn't we have had some kind of free-flowing, organic structure replace it? Something like a big version of this?


Or this?

Re: T construction news

I hope that "emergency exit" on Cambridge St. isn't a downsizing of the originally planned Blue-only small entrance/exit. The end of the platform that was recently extended for 6-car trains has a sealed egress from the Scollay Sq. days that was supposed to be re-punched onto the surface and ADA'd to a second small headhouse on the Plaza about a block up Cambridge St. Supposed to have been part of the rationale for phasing out Bowdoin because it goes almost half the walking distance there. Hynes-Boylston and Park-Common proportion vs. the main entrance.

What is the T's pathological fear of secondary entrances? That's a pretty duh-obvious one like Hynes-Boylston and Arlington-Berkeley. One exit is not enough for that station. Ever tried to get in and out when there's an event going on in the Plaza? Not like it's new construction...it's already there and covered up at the surface. If they did that first where it's tucked off to the side and has no service disruptions they could keep the Blue level open via that entrance during the really invasive upstairs construction.

I like the rest...typical over-tall dirt and bird poo-trap glass fetish and all. The platform clearance improvements are a huge difference. For how big the wedge platform is it's got terrible people distribution right now the way everyone has to squeeze up to the front and dodge walls and columns (not shown...but the cinder block false wall between inbound and the Brattle Loop is coming down too). But they ought to know by now that 1 entrance is never enough for a ground-zero downtown stop. Especially one that's already been built for two for 110 years.
