Hmm, just to give some perspective, there are about 14,250 bus trips per weekday; 8,900 per Saturday; 5,800 per Sunday.
The month of February conveniently began on a Sunday, President's Day is a Saturday schedule, so there were 5 Saturdays, 4 Sundays, and 19 weekdays.
That sums to about 338,450 scheduled bus trips in the month of February 2015, not counting the days on which service was canceled outright.
According to my calculations using the numbers from the article, about 1.4% of scheduled bus trips were canceled in February due to some kind of employee absence.
I mean, look, bus cancellations suck. But is this really the problem? 1.4%?
The month of February conveniently began on a Sunday, President's Day is a Saturday schedule, so there were 5 Saturdays, 4 Sundays, and 19 weekdays.
That sums to about 338,450 scheduled bus trips in the month of February 2015, not counting the days on which service was canceled outright.
The report did not provide the overall percentage of bus trips canceled in January and February.
According to my calculations using the numbers from the article, about 1.4% of scheduled bus trips were canceled in February due to some kind of employee absence.
I mean, look, bus cancellations suck. But is this really the problem? 1.4%?