Mercy Hospital | 144 State Street | Portland

Check out the old Chapel!
Some nice bones to that space. What’s it going to look like when it’s complete?
The window sash color was not a financial decision, but driven by the historic tax credits. Somewhat surprisingly, the building's original windows were white, and thus the National Park Service requires us to match the original historic windows as closely as possible.
That's too bad. Always at the mercy of money here in this country instead of what looks good like the rest of the world.
To be fair, I've seen many of new construction flubs around the world
It is! Feel free r throw out suggestions for what you would like to see here. I’ve been pinging Indy’s Sandwich shop in SoPo. I’ve also pinged the Palace Diner/Rose Bagel folks. Open to any and all suggestions! ~C

Would love something with an "all day" vibe. I don't know if you've been to Smalls down by the CBB but they do a good job making it somewhere to hang out, have coffee, do a little laptop work, have breakfast or lunch, or have a cocktail in the evening.
