Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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Re: Filene's

There's really no reason to be scared of beggars. Just ignore them.

I know I was kidding. Why anybody is worried about bums I don't know, think about it, most average males can kick their ass, they have terrible eating habits. why worry.
Re: Filene's

And so it begins:

Re: Filene's

I can't imagine they'd keep the name "One Franklin" and the bland, suburban office park logo. This thing needs a full-fledged brand campaign, with a name indicative of a destination landmark. Looks like they're getting ready to embark on that.
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Re: Filene's

I would hope that whatever name this finally gets, it includes 'Filene' in it.
Re: Filene's

I saw an article about this many years ago using two examples - Landmark Center and Hood Business Park - one developer was running from its history as a Sears building and one embraced its history as a diary plant. Both approaches have benefits and drawbacks.

I'm interested to see if "Filene's" makes it into the development's name, but my hunch is that it won't at all be mentioned. The "Filenes" brand now is left with "Filene's Basement" and I doubt Gale wants their multi-use, Class-A development to be named after the discount store on its first floor -however famous locally the root "Filenes" is.

I would guess a name for the Filene's Tower that plays up its downtown, central location, and a name that is thoroughly modern. I just hope it's not more pseudo-latin like Avenir, Asteria, Vesta, bla bla bla... although I'm laughing thinking about some ad shop calling it "Filencia" or something.
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Re: Filene's

In the case of Landmark Center, keeping 'Sears' in any part of the name would have just caused public confusion, since Sears still exists but is not a tenant of the redeveloped building.
Re: Filene's

Good point - the problem with Filene's Tower is people who don't know/remeber Filene's will think it's "Filene's Basement Tower"
Re: Filene's

I just hope it's not more pseudo-latin like Avenir, Asteria, Vesta, bla bla bla... although I'm laughing thinking about some ad shop calling it "Filencia" or something.

Arise, Fileneum!
Re: Filene's

only people who wouldnt know about the original filenes is very young people and tourists. and someone can tell the tourists why its called that. or if they dont, who cares what they think. I like the name Filenes tower. It could end up with that name no matter what. one franklin BLOWS. its like the garden, people still called it the garden even when it was the fleet.
Re: Filene's

I dislike the name 'One Franklin' because that's not where Filene's is! Shouldn't it be Two Summer Street?
Re: Filene's

I think that although it may not officially be called Filene's Tower, people will still refer to it as Filene's Tower. Most people in Greater Boston know about the Filene's basement there, and even if they don't, people that do who call it Filene's Tower will call it that around everyone, so most people around the city would also refer to it as Filene's tower due to local's remembering the landmark.
Re: Filene's

That's a good point. In fact, we refer to it as the Filene's tower in our office. I think that the only people who will have a problem with that name are the folks who buy a condo there :)
Re: Filene's

I am sure the Filene's name is owned by Federated or whoever the parent company is and, absent some kind of corporate tie-in or retail location on the premises, is unlikely to be used. But I think locals will refer to it as Filene's, much like some still call macy*s "Jordan's".
Re: Filene's

I actually wouldn't want the official name to include "Filene", because it will make it that much better when the locals refer to it as the Filene's tower. It is kind of our birthrite to call it that.
Re: Filene's

I think (or at least hope) they are required to preserve some elements of the fa?ade that actually say "Filene's" on them, such as the clocks.
Re: Filene's

Demolition of the canopy began today on the Hawley Street side. (I work at 101 Arch, so it is right outside my window. )
Re: Filene's

I can see the posting on some "quirky" Forgotten Boston blog, circa 2030: "ever wondered what those faded 'Filene's' signs on the One Franklin tower stood for?"

Seriously, birthright? Jordan's died not that long ago, really, but only people of a certain age go so far as to supplant Macy's with its long-vanished name.
Re: Filene's

One difference is that the current Macy's building is not really associated heavily with the former Jordan Marsh. The 'real' Jordan Marsh building was torn down in the 1970s and replaced by the current not very distinguished structure.
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