Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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In terms of composition, I think the view coming up Franklin Street is my favourite, largely because you can see it from base to tip. Looking southwest from Washington Street isn't bad, but you can't get as good an unobstructed view from any of the other nearby streets without being right up against the building.

And yeah, the view from Digitas' deck probably isn't the most flattering (especially with a smartphone camera). It's basically the same view as from the eastern corner of Hawley and Franklin Sts but 18 stories up. It just struck me at how close it was; when I was working there up to a few months ago, I couldn't visualise how much it would dominate the view. There are only a few places in Boston where there's another big skyscraper just 50m outside your window.
You can see this from everywhere now. Saw it from Logan Airport, Memorial Drive in Cambridge and saw it really well from I-93 NB near Savin Hill.
MP had someone checking here, right? They should gather up these pictures (with attribution, of course) and put them all on a map.
Some truly great pics -- keep shooting!!'

I think the comment about the baby Hancock is a a bit unfair to MT -- Hancock for all its great mirror effect is out in the open with recognized architectural masterpieces as neighbors to be reflected. MT is in a crowded Downtown with mostly nice low pedestrian buildings and a few less than distinguished tall neighbors -- it has to work harder

However, there are a few uniquenesses to MT pics including:
  • the unique "Boston-style" continuing change in views juxtaposing multiple buildings with MT as you walk up Franklin St from Oliver St
  • the Fabry-Perot effect*1 with the close spacing with 33 Arch St. -- maybe eventually for the JH but not now
  • the effect of MT looming over various shaped tops of various mostly non-descript towers in the Financial District
  • any view with both the Burnham and MT except from the blank wall on Hawley St.

But anyway you cut the cake

*1 -- look it up for your edification at
You can see this from everywhere now. Saw it from Logan Airport, Memorial Drive in Cambridge and saw it really well from I-93 NB near Savin Hill.

Yep, it's visible from Governor Hutchinson Field all the way out in Milton, for goodness sakes.
nice building but it's way too stiff to carry a skyline. And not tall enough. The Back Bay view is only going to get more iconic with CSC and Copley rising. Downtown view won't be competing any time soon.
What's with the Custom House? Why is it green?

There's scaffolding up on the top of it. I'm not entirely sure why though, I'd imagine it's for some sort of preservation work being done.

Those shots above are some pretty good ones of the thinner side of the tower by the way, it's nice to see the thinner side when most of the other pictures make it look so massive.
I like how skinny its looks in DZH22's Arlington pics >from Medford hardly showing
How close do you think the actual roof will be to where the top of the crane is now? Even at 2/3 the distance between the current building top and the crane tip, this could carry the downtown skyline well.
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