Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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Good way to make sure people really don't drive in the ped zone :)

A little annoying on a bike because you have to walk your bike on the sidewalk for a short stretch, but not a big deal.

Pedestrians are not allowed on that stretch during those hours anymore either, so it's not a pedestrian gain. It gets roped off and signs direct pedestrians to the sidewalk. The street is being closed for tower construction concerns and nothing is being allowed on it.
MT has crested the tops of the other skyscrapers from my vantage point at 255 State and is very clearly visible from this side of 33 Arch.


Good way to make sure people really don't drive in the ped zone :)

A little annoying on a bike because you have to walk your bike on the sidewalk for a short stretch, but not a big deal.

When I was out at DTX taking photos of the new street signage last Wendesday, someone in a private car drove down Winter Street and continued past the two signs at the mouth to Summer Street citing no car traffic whatsoever. I think the only legit way to keep people from driving in the ped zone is to have an officer posted there (there is one, occasionally).

I saw some bike detour signs, but I'm not sure what route they recommend - likely going over 2 blocks to Arch Street. I know eventually Hawley St between Summer and Franklin Sts will become two-way, but probably not until they can remove scaffolding and barriers on Hawley St, so not really useful and I wouldn't recommend salmoning up Hawley to get to Milk St as a cyclist. Walking your bike on Washington for that one block seems to be a reasonable compromise.
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Not the most helpful pic to post soon after Suffolk posted that Millennium Tower should have been slimmer ;)

That pic looks like a Manhattan BEAST!!---I like they way its coming together but I have not been in the area for a long time to feel the ground level.
She's definitely a bit chubby, but she photographs well from certain angles.
That pic looks like a Manhattan BEAST!!---I like they way its coming together but I have not been in the area for a long time to feel the ground level.

It feels absolutely mammoth at ground level. It feels like you are walking out into a very new city.
It has been a whopping 12 hours since somebody posted a picture of this. Here's some from today 7/14. 1 of 2.

Always wanted to do this. Estimating this one is at ~515' now. Just passed a bunch of buildings and is surging towards Boston's top 10. Let's take a look...

Passed in the last month or so. Ritz Carlton Residences is now the 25th tallest building in Boston.

Passed in the last week or so

At 515' it would be Boston's 12th tallest, coming up on One Federal (520') and One Post Office Square (525')
Can now be seen all the way from Beacon St in Brookline...
Sorry I missed that. Guess we've conclusively established this can be seen from everywhere.
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