MIT East Campus - Kendall Square Gateway | Cambridge

I'm liking the Site 4 building more. I really wish the underside of the cantilever was a darker color though. The white looks strange and cheap in a way.

The mega cantilever building (forgetting the name) makes me more anxious every time I see it. Such a chunky top massing.
Engineering gives weird answers sometimes.

It'd be interesting if that was an open atrium space like how it is now with no floors/soon-to-be-stairs (though a waste of SF on a narrow footprint and a heating/cooling nightmare).

Also, I haven't seen any logistics on this building; this is just market housing being developed by MIT not specifically for students, IIRC. Is MIT going to own/operate it afterward?
I did not expect to see Carson Tower in a photo about Kendall Square. Awesome!
^^^ The FBI building in Chelsea "looking good".
