National Politics Thread

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Show me this data then we can really talk: I know I'm on to something here.

Show me the stats concerning this comment: I personally have no idea.
Total amount of Welfare, Banker/Corporation Bailouts, Union Stimulus Packages since 2000-2017:
What states receive the most Federal Tax Dollars with those 3 components concerning that date range.
I'm betting the list:
This is my list of the states that suck the Federal tax dollars dry between welfare, bailouts, union stimulus packages.
#1 California
#2 NY
#3 Massachusetts
#4 Illinois
#5 Michigan

This would be eye opening to get an understanding on where all this money was diverted to which states concerning those 3 criteria. They won't have this DATA just sitting around.

You can use Google to compare the economic output of LA, NY and Harris counties with Maricopa County and whatever the hell the rest of the red ones are.
Just a bunch of classless losers:
Nearly 50 House Democrats vow to boycott Trump inauguration

DNC showed themselves to be a bunch of thugs who don't give a rats ass about voting rights or free and fair elections. How any thinking person could call themselves a democrat

after witnessing their fake primary and general election with their fake polls, fake analysis, fake debates and fake news. Heads should roll at the DNC and media outlets that conspired with them.

The total inability and unwillingness to clean house and right their wrongs does spell trouble for some time to come.

Imagine if the Republicans did this when Obama got elected? They would be called the KKK

I'm not a republican but seriously everybody thought the Republican party was finished not to say there are two sets of republicans.
Conservative Republicans
Establishment Republicans (That have no conservative views)

But the Democrats have no presence in Washington at this point.
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You can use Google to compare the economic output of LA, NY and Harris counties with Maricopa County and whatever the hell the rest of the red ones are.

It's not worth giving any attention to Rifleman and his rant. He is no different than the crazy guy on the street with the "The End is Near" Signs saying that everyone is going to hell if they don't repent. Wouldn't surprise me if he is one.
I kind of imagine most Trump supporters to be like flailing drowning victims off of the Titanic. They're just smart enough to know that they're probably screwed either way but instead of attempting to swim to a lifeboat they try to reboard the sinking ship since for the moment it's warm and dry.

That's how I usually feel. Then I heard a guy in a meeting earlier talking about how he should just shoot all the liberals and going into detail about it.

I bristle from hearing them open their damn mouths and makes me wonder if *I* need an ar15 for self defense.

And they wonder why we despise them?
^ hey rifle a bunch of republicans did "boycott" and not go to Obama's election. I'm not sure about the quora site and how reliable it is but the article says its from the AP

I read this somewhere legit too and I cant find it now

Once again Rifle--- youre misleading people when you put a quote below a link and the quote is from something else. Where is that quote even from? You are the fake news

This is stuff you learn in junior high-- site your sources
And the more you guys respond to him the more he's gonna post. If you don't respond, trolls go away.
Btw did anyone hear how dumb Betsy Devos sounded like yesterday? Literally every answer is a bs answer that she had to make up on the spot because she is unqualified for the position and has no idea how to run the US education system. Literally none of Trump's cabinet picks are qualified to run what they have been chosen to run.
Literally none of Trump's cabinet picks are qualified to run what they have been chosen to run.

Kent, I think that's the whole point. Their philosophy is that there should be no government. He's just going around imploding the whole thing; inserting pro-business/anti-government destruction agents in all these posts. Get ready for barbaric times.

The next administration will need to begin by mopping up the mess.
Btw did anyone hear how dumb Betsy Devos sounded like yesterday? Literally every answer is a bs answer that she had to make up on the spot because she is unqualified for the position and has no idea how to run the US education system. Literally none of Trump's cabinet picks are qualified to run what they have been chosen to run.

I saw a few clips this morning. She's basically Sarah Palin with a trust fund.
In other random musings, I was just looking at hotel availability and DC isn't even sold out. Even the JW Marriott on Pennsylvania Avenue and the Mayflower(to name a few) have availability.
Kent, I think that's the whole point. Their philosophy is that there should be no government. He's just going around imploding the whole thing; inserting pro-business/anti-government destruction agents in all these posts. Get ready for barbaric times.

The next administration will need to begin by mopping up the mess.

I hope Lisa Simpson is up for the task.

It's amazing. I think someone drew a comic making an analogy to it. The comic had people flying on a plane and the passengers complained that the pilots are out of touch with the passengers and voted a businessman with no flight training to fly the plane instead.
Biggest political opportunist I have ever seen. Elizabeth Warren is the definition of a fake person: The way she thinks is I'm smarter than you and I knows whats good for you.

Op-Ed: Why Elizabeth Warren is no longer the darling of the left

It's amazing that the people on this board are that blindsided. I get it TRUMP is lying disaster? Maybe he is but the reality is so were the people in Washington.
And the fact that the scumbag politicians in Washington hated him so much. THAT GOT MY VOTE
Remember how Trump was touting that GM is creating 2,000 "new and retained" jobs? Well in reality, along with those 2,000 jobs, GM is cutting 2,000 + another 1,300 jobs in Detroit. This what happens when you nitpick the information you report. Trump is saying he created/save 2,000 jobs when in reality, the net job created is -1,300. What's dangerous is that those people who are being laid off and voted for Trump are looking at him as a savior, believing that Trump will save them and they will be able to keep their job. Once they realize that Trump is purposely nitpicking the information so that it looks like he is "saving/creating" jobs without actually saving/creating jobs, these constituents will turn on him. But in the meantime, they're going to be given false hope and be taken for a ride.
The way she thinks is I'm smarter than you and I knows whats good for you.

She is smarter than you, and she knows better than you do what is good for you. This is not saying much as you are a bitter, angry, and willfully ignorant old fool. Find a hobby. Make a friend. If you drink, stop. If you don't, start. One day you're going to wake up and realize you've spent the last 5(?) years ranting about things you don't understand on a web forum devoted to architecture. Good god, man.
She is smarter than you, and she knows better than you do what is good for you. This is not saying much as you are a bitter, angry, and willfully ignorant old fool. Find a hobby. Make a friend. If you drink, stop. If you don't, start. One day you're going to wake up and realize you've spent the last 5(?) years ranting about things you don't understand on a web forum devoted to architecture. Good god, man.

Thank you, Justin. Elizabeth Warren is smarter than me too. And I am OK with that.

Democracy isn't about getting the chance to vote on everything. I don't want to vote on what kind of shoe laces are issued to the armed forces. I don't want to vote on the make-up of the asphalt used to pave our roads.

We should vote about high-level values and beliefs. Then we should let people smarter and/or more qualified (or more specialized, or with focused expertise) than the majority of us run the pieces of the damn system.

I am sick and tired of this elitism war. IT IS OK TO BE GOVERNED BY SOMEONE SMARTER THAN ONESELF - heck, I wouldn't want it any other way.

But that's not the way 40-whatever-percent of our society feels. And that's why we're governed by an awful lot of dumb people.
We're probably doomed. We're all bastards. No one is innocent.

You'll never get a liberal to admit they believe they exclusively possess the right to vote on behalf of their own selfish interests. That their charismatic, elite cult leaders are all knowing in forcing us to support them in pursuing those same selfish interests.

i consider myself a progressive conservative. i'm all for investing in people and their communities, lifting anyone from poverty who is willing to work toward that end. i'd have voted for Johnson's Great Society. i'm supportive of progressive programs that spend tax payer money wisely to ensure that no one falls through the cracks.

i voted for Bill Clinton twice. (ok, i didn't necessarily dislike Bush. But i also don't believe career intelligence officers should be allowed to run for president. Bush was in the CIA since at least 1952, and probably as far back as 1947). i'm steadfast in my belief of helping the people who deserve help, to become everything that they can be. i believe all children should have free heath insurance up to at least age 21. probably age 25.

i'm a realist. Not everyone uses the system to better themselves and society. How do you stop people from abusing the system. Like everyone, i have next to no answers. If a Democrat is holding office, i receive .gov statistics lauded on CNN with skepticism. If a Republican is in office, i better do the same if i'm tuned to Fox News or listening to Howie Carr. i listen to about 2/3 liberal news outlets, and their professional obfuscators.

i have snowflake whisperers in my family. It's horrible to see a sibling raise kids, and offer no discipline or teach them personal responsiblity – knowing what the outcome will be. Then 10 years later seeing the child abuse play out as feared.

The problem with liberalism, is that it's gone completely off the rails, not only to rewarding bad behavior, but to slam those that attempt to discuse the damage the bad behavior is doing to our society. Again, i'm a hypocrite here. i don't have answers.

If i were a flailing, sensitive snowflake fully invested in the 'victim class,' or too cowardly to make the effort of self discipline to better myself – why wouldn't i see the huge appeal in voting for the politicians who promise me the most free shit, create victims over the slightest pretense, and make it into an massive 'industry' ?? Why wouldn't i vote for the politician most willing to rip off the taxpayer, fill the offices with likeminded friends, bankrupt the country – and call it social justice??

i'd be very tempted. Y'ever try to get through the day without a good rationalization? Hell, yeah, i'd want to vote for the faith healers and social 'forgivers' to the galactically lazy. They might even send me to a 'get more free shit' seminar.... If i'm really clever, i'd just fill in that i'm Native American on my application and get even more free, endless everything; straight to getting my Ph.D. Dammit, i might eventually even become a member of the Harvard faculty.... hailed a great warrior for social justice.... and one day, even become a US Senator.

Liberals, are the balls. Conflate the number of victims up to a number close to infinity. Then, OPEN the floodgates so all the illegal Democrats can pour in!

Get everybody signed up on the FREE shit train. Make everything free until you're 30. Label all conservatives, of all colors, and creeds as White Racist Scum and Uncle Toms (as Mr. Hill so eloquently did on CNN 2 nights ago).... Suck in all the great PR. Stack the press and entertainment industry with like minded social justice warriors just like you and cash in for the next 75 years.

Or you go the tough road. Make outlandish declarations that we could be in a race to the bottom, talk about things like an honest debate, and honest US Labor statistics, talk about those who've left the labor force because they can't find gainful employment.... and get labeled a bigot.

Fine. Then, i say i have just as much of a right to vote for legal, documented immigration (as written in US law), non-wide open borders and greater measures to prevent terrorism. i might vote for the guy who ain't afraid to call the 'system of welfare to Mexico via anchor babies,' or that half the mothers nearly died, or had to be rescued out in the desert in a dusty truck, and now the American society of taxpayers and hospital stock holders has to foot the $78,000 medical bill – instead of having that money spent on my next tax break, a better stock portfolio, lower taxes for MP so they can build a less VE's skyscraper, and charter schools for challenged neighborhoods in my home city....

i can vote for more money to go to help improve the lives of the people who's parents contributed to this country, or died from Agent Orange just like they do everywhere else. i can vote for less taxes, and less $$$ for the arts if it leaves me with more cash for a greener lawn and send my kid to MIT instead of Northeastern.
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