National Politics Thread

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More corruption from Trump's cabinet picks. Tom Price making money by buying stocks of a medical manufacturing company and then introducing a bill to benefit the company (aka inside trading).

Remember how supporters said they voted for Trump because he would 'drain the swamp' and reduce corruption? That's a cover for them to try to justify their vote because obviously, they don't care if the government is corrupted and making money off their elected positions.

Hey Rifleman, you might want to wake up.

between $1,001 and $15,000 worth of shares (So he bought 10-100 Shares of the company)

Is that really worth investigating? 100 shares--
Maybe 10,000 Call options
50,000 share purchase

But seriously 100 shares? Whats he going to make 500 bucks off the backs of the taxpayers.

This is seriously irrelevant. Maybe as time goes on we might want to enforce sometype of trading restrictions but buying 100 shares of stock I personally could careless.
Is that really worth investigating? 100 shares--
Maybe 10,000 Call options
50,000 share purchase

But seriously 100 shares? Whats he going to make 500 bucks off the backs of the taxpayers.

A crime is still a crime. If someone mugged me, that person is still guilty of assault and robbery regardless of if he stole $100 from me or $100,000. Don't try to spin it.
I bet Rifleman would call the cops if someone robbed him of $100 dollars. Or are you telling me that's too little to matter.
So what is the trading regulations and restrictions for Washington? Did he record his the purchase?

If the SEC considers this insider trading then they should pursue it. I'm thinking their needs to be more than buying 100 shares of stock. Your not going to get RICH off that type of purchase.
So what is the trading regulations and restrictions for Washington? Did he record his the purchase?

If the SEC considers this insider trading then they should pursue it. I'm thinking their needs to be more than buying 100 shares of stock. Your not going to get RICH off that type of purchase.

So if I robbed you of $100, that's okay because I'm not going to get rich off of it? Duly noted.
The GOVT is missing 10 TRILLION FUCKING DOLLARS? Where is that money?
Who did the Federal Reserve Bank lend out Trillions in QE1, QE2, QE3.

The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet at this point needs to be AUDITED and Investigated.
Why didn't the Democrats issue an Audit against the Fed in the Best interest of the American Taxpayers?

We are missing TRILLIONS of Dollars----And your worried about Trump nomination about some guy buying 100 shares of some fucking stupid stock. Maybe this idiot wasn't thinking but I don't believe he thought I was going to make a millions off 100 shares of Pharma stock.

Maybe he forgot to read the Govt Manual of Ethics if they have any.

I find it a little strange that the FED printed unlimited amounts of Tax dollars then reissue the printed tax dollars to a certain group of Bankers. This is nothing more than FRAUD. The money should have went to the people but instead went to the stock market. (Bankers gambling with our tax dollars to hold this corrupt system from crashing without no accountability in the end)

Ben Bernanke is a big traitor than Bendict Arnold
The GOVT is missing 10 TRILLION FUCKING DOLLARS? Where is that money?
Who did the Federal Reserve Bank lend out Trillions in QE1, QE2, QE3.

The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet at this point needs to be AUDITED and Investigated.
Why didn't the Democrats issue an Audit against the Fed in the Best interest of the American Taxpayers?

We are missing TRILLIONS of Dollars----And your worried about Trump nomination about some guy buying 100 shares of some fucking stupid stock. Not even why he would waste his time.

Oh I'm not that worry. I'm just calling you Trump supporters out for claiming that you guys voted for him because he would get rid of corruption yet are not holding him accountable for that. Shows that you guys are shams. I'll take your feigned rage at corruption with a grain of salt going forward knowing that you guys actually don't really care about it.
Oh I'm not that worry. I'm just calling you Trump supporters out for claiming that you guys voted for him because he would get rid of corruption yet are not holding him accountable for that. Shows that you guys are shams.

Never said Trump would get rid of the corruption. And most of Trump voters know this. We voted for TRUMP because we hate the Political elite.

Never said Trump would get rid of the corruption. And most of Trump voters know this. We voted for TRUMP because we hate the Political elite.


Nope you guys were all hashtagging and chanting '"drain the swamp" and "lock her up" etc throughout the end of the campaign. I see denial is a trait prevalent among Trump and Trump supporters.

How about the build the wall without Taxpayer's expense? How many promises has he broken already?
Nope you guys were all hashtagging and chanting '"drain the swamp" and "lock her up" etc throughout the end of the campaign. I see denial is a trait prevalent among Trump and Trump supporters.

How about the build the wall without Taxpayer's expense? How many promises has he broken already?

He is not even in office yet. The entire Russian Hacker scenario is blown up because of Obama and the Media. They are making Trump transition very difficult. The democrats can't even take accountability that they are the reasons they lost the election not Russia. Look in the fucking mirror you hypocrites.

The liberal media will bash TRUMP through his entire presidency until he is impeached or dead.

I guess everything I read is fake news. So the CNN, CNBC, and MSNBC are all the TRUTH to our society. FOX news is fake too.

How about everything is fake with an agenda at point. There is no honest media.

You live in a bubble. I really can't believe you grew up in the Charlestown projects and you think like this. Those groups in Somerville, Charlestown, Everett, Southie, Cambridge inner city kids usually see people's agendas real fast. Not sure what era you grew up in.
"Democrats are in trouble

Trump has absolutely lousy poll numbers (which he says are fake but he doesn't really seem to understand them for what they are) and the majority of people think he is unqualified (I also hold this view.)

My takeaway is that people would rather have an unqualified, buffoonish, egomaniac in the WH than a democrat. The democrats have some work ahead of them to win over minds and hearts. With a bar set that low, it may be hard to overcome the impression that Trump is doing better than expected. "
You live in a bubble. I really can't believe you grew up in the Charlestown projects and you think like this. Those groups in Somerville, Charlestown, Everett, Southie, Cambridge inner city kids usually see people's agendas real fast. Not sure what era you grew up in.

Because I went to school Rifleman and actually have common logical sense. And just an FYI, those towns you named? Somerville, Everett, and Cambridge all went Hillary.




I can't find a breakdown for Charlestown and South Boston but if like the other, they should also be for Hillary.

Perhaps, maybe, you are the crazy one Rifleman.
He is not even in office yet. The entire Russian Hacker scenario is blown up because of Obama and the Media. They are making Trump transition very difficult. The democrats can't even take accountability that they are the reasons they lost the election not Russia. Look in the fucking mirror you hypocrites.

Which is even more pathetic. He is already backtracking on his promises before he's even in office. These are words and actions directly from Trump. And Trump is making the transition difficult by spending more time on twitter insulting people than getting briefed on national security. He's an entertainer and nothing more.
My takeaway is that people would rather have an unqualified, buffoonish, egomaniac in the WH than a democrat. The democrats have some work ahead of them to win over minds and hearts. With a bar set that low, it may be hard to overcome the impression that Trump is doing better than expected. "

Clearly a wrong interpretation considering Hillary still won the popular vote.
Clearly a wrong interpretation considering Hillary still won the popular vote.

The Democrats got smoked. Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan. They lost every democratic state.

The entire Map was RED---I wasn't even sure if there were going to pull off Virginia until the last 2 mins. That is why she choose Kaine as VP it wasn't like Kaine added anything of moral value. They needed Virginia they were about to lose that state also.

She never had a shot.
The map was red because the Republicans did well where fewer people live - the economic, cultural and intellectual backwaters in other words.
The map was red because the Republicans did well where fewer people live - the economic, cultural and intellectual backwaters in other words.

Show me this data then we can really talk: I know I'm on to something here.

Show me the stats concerning this comment: I personally have no idea.
Total amount of Welfare, Banker/Corporation Bailouts, Union Stimulus Packages since 2000-2017:
What states receive the most Federal Tax Dollars with those 3 components concerning that date range.
I'm betting the list:
This is my list of the states that suck the Federal tax dollars dry between welfare, bailouts, union stimulus packages.
#1 California
#2 NY
#3 Massachusetts
#4 Illinois
#5 Michigan

This would be eye opening to get an understanding on where all this money was diverted to which states concerning those 3 criteria. They won't have this DATA just sitting around.
This is my view of the entire democratic primary.

DNC showed themselves to be a bunch of thugs who don't give a rats ass about voting rights or free and fair elections. How any thinking person could call themselves a democrat

after witnessing their fake primary and general election with their fake polls, fake analysis, fake debates and fake news. Heads should roll at the DNC and media outlets that conspired with them.

The total inability and unwillingness to clean house and right their wrongs does spell trouble for some time to come.

CNN is the real news? They had Hilary Clinton up +12% Oh they made a mistake? I knew Trump was winning and I'm on the Archboston board. Am I fake?
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