NEMA Boston | 399 Congress St. | Seaport

Re: Residences at 399 Congress St (formerly Madison Seaport Hotel)

Theres going to be a stair case directly next door up to summer st in the seaport square development. This is directly to the right and across the street of the render above.
True. But I read in one of the docs that WS is planning to build out in direction from Seaport to Summer, which means it could be a decade before this staircase gets done...
Re: Residences at 399 Congress St (formerly Madison Seaport Hotel)

Theres another one directly to the left going up to wtc ave.
Re: Residences at 399 Congress St (formerly Madison Seaport Hotel)

excavators on site and the parcel is being lined with jersey barriers
Re: Residences at 399 Congress St (formerly Madison Seaport Hotel)

I'm salting up my sneakers b/c I'm going to have to eat my shoe. I never thought this would break ground.


Re: Residences at 399 Congress St (formerly Madison Seaport Hotel)

If they wanted to go with the nautical theme, they could have at least used more imagination.

A good example is the u/c Artech in Miami designed by Carlos Ott:


That is plain horrifying. That is straight from the cover of a b-list scifi book cover.
Re: Residences at 399 Congress St (formerly Madison Seaport Hotel)

That is plain horrifying. That is straight from the cover of a b-list scifi book cover.

In other words, it's perfect for Florida.
Re: Residences at 399 Congress St (formerly Madison Seaport Hotel)

Can we not have a post-modernism pissing match in this thread?
Re: Residences at 399 Congress St (formerly Madison Seaport Hotel)

^ dude, calm your horses. we making a point in a humorous way that "nautical theme" and "imagination" does not always equal good or contextual architecture.

Feel free to see my Swan Hotel and raise something you thing is better/worse.
Re: Residences at 399 Congress St (formerly Madison Seaport Hotel)

I just hate Michael Graves and this discussion isn't relevant to 399 Congress.

Additionally, cca bumped a post from 03-11-2007, 10:43 AM to drag this off-topic. Discuss nautical post-modernism in some other general thread.
Re: Residences at 399 Congress St (formerly Madison Seaport Hotel)

And I just hate soccer, but you don't hear me complain every time your avatar shows up.

Calm down. People compare buildings to the one a thread is about all the time. If Michael Graves truly gets you this upset then start your own general thread about why you hate him so much.
Re: Residences at 399 Congress St (formerly Madison Seaport Hotel)

People compare buildings to the one a thread is about all the time.

Reminder of the current render:

Nothing about this building looks anything like all the PoMo stuff being "compared" to it...

I agree that the tangent police can be a little heavy handed sometimes (after all, tangents usually resolve on their own without any necessary treatment), but there's no way one can claim that this post modernism talk isn't totally off topic.
Re: Residences at 399 Congress St (formerly Madison Seaport Hotel)

^^Thanks. It's been a while getting this thing moving. Not terribly long ago when the Big Dig was winding down, they might have gone for the normal early Menino era infill or mid-rise. Would have gone up, and blended into the background. Now, this somewhat-odd parcel is becoming a jewel (almost).
Re: Residences at 399 Congress St (formerly Madison Seaport Hotel)

Can confirm they're digging on site and it is going to be going up very soon.
