Remember for a moment what VE means - value engineering. In essence, it is considering cost of labor and materials during design and it is an essential element of ALL ENGINEERING. Every building, product, widget, and service in the modern world is value engineered. You sound like morons bandying about the one industry term you know and you don't even seem to understand what it means.
The fact is, the vast majority of people don't pay extra to live in a prettier building. The designers quite literally cannot derive any additional value by using more expensive material, so they don't. Would you? Do you buy stocks you expect to fall in price? Do you buy things you don't want? Do you set money on fire?
The designers are reacting to the market. Value engineering is, by definition, giving customers what they want. What other standard can you suggest that they should use to guide their designs? Your personal whims?
The thing that you think you don't like about developers and architects - this so-called VE problem - is actually something you don't like about the people buying/renting the condos/apartments. So please, when you complain about ugly buildings at least point the finger in the right direction. Complain that your friends and neighbors have lousy taste or really don't care at all. That is the root cause.