New Red and Orange Line Cars

Wbz and fox25 are reporting that the new orange trains are going into service this week.
Train, not trains.

They're supposed to have at least 3 new 6-car train sets ready to go for revenue service, according to what was said at the beginning of the summer. Everyone is going to want to try it when it starts. :idea:
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Next train will enter service in September, according to Poftak.

I think the original goal after the pilot train was a new train every 3-4 weeks, so this would jive with that. They should be at the point of churning these out regularly now. They've reported the Alstom issue is entirely resolved.
Thank god. I was about to panic. Then the announcement of weekend shutdowns is severely tempering morale. This is a much needed morale boost. I was only imagining a delay announcement and its morale effects. Imagine if they announce a delay AND the weekend shutdowns.
Anyone know how they intend to roll out the new trains vs the old ones? For instance are the new trains intended to build up numbers before starting to retire the old ones?
Anyone know how they intend to roll out the new trains vs the old ones? For instance are the new trains intended to build up numbers before starting to retire the old ones?

I think they said it was retire the most troublesome cars first, then increase service.
I recall reading sometime late last year that two old trainsets are already more or less permanently out of service which is why peak service has dropped by one trainset to 96 cars vs the old 102. One would presume the first trainsets will be "replacing" those out of service cars. However note the announcement of Wednesday at midday. I don't personally expect the new cars to be used in peak service for a little while longer yet. The new green line cars are still used almost exclusively in off peak service. I'm not entirely sure why, but I'd love to know. But if they follow that precedent then...
Who will be the first here to try out riding on the new Orange Line trains tomorrow or this week?! Tell us what you think, your likes & dislikes.

E for Excellent, G for good, F for fair & P for poor. What should've been left out, added or added? I plan to ride on one eventually, but when about 1/3 of them are in revenue service. :idea:
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I recall reading sometime late last year that two old trainsets are already more or less permanently out of service which is why peak service has dropped by one trainset to 96 cars vs the old 102. One would presume the first trainsets will be "replacing" those out of service cars. However note the announcement of Wednesday at midday. I don't personally expect the new cars to be used in peak service for a little while longer yet. The new green line cars are still used almost exclusively in off peak service. I'm not entirely sure why, but I'd love to know. But if they follow that precedent then...

Watched the live stream of the FMCB meeting [in part]

In general I was quite impressed with the professionalism of the T's team on most of the matters on the agenda

Not at all impressed with the Citizen presentations

Specifically on the Orange Line trains -- they will be brought on to the roster of available trainsets 1 by 1 [train set of 6 cars] replacing the most delay / problematic trainsets in the existing pool for quite a while [say early 2020] before any attempt is made to increase the overall number of trainsets in service. However, the T says that within a few trainsets the T riders should see substantial improvements just due to the new equipment replacing the old with reliability.
The 2nd new train set will go into revenue service next month sometime.

Hopefully, as they are introduced, the trains will debut into service & will be sped up a little, to get those old rust buckets outta here a little faster!! ;-)
Press Release: New train will depart Wellington at 10:30 AM tomorrow.
I forget. These first few sets will be an addition to the current fleet, not a replacement, correct?
