Northeastern University - Institutional Master Plan

Czervik -- Agreed -- Give NU a major positive vote

And I seem to forget -- who is the ABer who is constantly carping about Gown versus more Urban Outfitters or something like that

Without NU's concept [aka Transformation from a "gritty urban" commuter school into a an " Urban residential campus] accompanied with mostly quality execution -- that valuable area just off Huntington would still be what it was 30 years ago -- something far less desirable {although more "gritty urban"} :cool:

It's about mixed-use versus single-use neighborhoods. NU's clean-up of the NE-Corridor doesn't do anything to counter that argument.
It's about mixed-use versus single-use neighborhoods. NU's clean-up of the NE-Corridor doesn't do anything to counter that argument.

Busses -- Sure it does

NU took a place that while strategically located in Boston was close to "unfit for human habitation" --- and they have made it into a "nice place to visit" -- if perhaps somewhat institutionally sterile

I consider that to be progress
why does this major building not have its own thread? it should definitely not be just lumped in with the IMP..
Is it just me or is it taking an inordinate amount of time to enclose this building?
Is it just me or is it taking an inordinate amount of time to enclose this building?

Apparently there is currently a glass shortage in the US and it's really slowing down some developments. The same thing is happening to Millennium Tower. It's been a month without any new glass going up on the top floors.
The same thing is happening to Millennium Tower. It's been a month without any new glass going up on the top floors.

Millennium Tower may have slowed down, but it never stopped adding glass. It has also sped back up over the last week or so. My latest pics (which aren't my newest btw, just haven't gotten to those yet) show the glass is up to the 2nd to top floor before the crown, above the 3 stripes of different colored balcony glass which was the section causing the hold-up.
Millennium Tower may have slowed down, but it never stopped adding glass. It has also sped back up over the last week or so. My latest pics (which aren't my newest btw, just haven't gotten to those yet) show the glass is up to the 2nd to top floor before the crown, above the 3 stripes of different colored balcony glass which was the section causing the hold-up.

I walk by it every day on the way to work. There was a good 3-4 weeks with no movement on the glass.
Getting back on topic...

Northeastern reports that the ARC is stalled due to "design issues" with the MBTA.
Getting back on topic...

Northeastern reports that the ARC is stalled due to "design issues" with the MBTA.

They're waiting on the MBTA to begin the Ruggles CR platform extension, if I remember correctly
They're waiting on the MBTA to begin the Ruggles CR platform extension, if I remember correctly

Not a new set of delays. That platform work has been a near continuous schedule slip since first proposed, and this is just the latest +1 adjustment to that slippage. The institutions aren't doing a very good job staying out of each other's way, so a lot of time gets chewed up by the T and NEU on both projects staring at each other passive-aggressively over issues relating to site access. Doesn't rise to the level of 'infighting''s just low-motivation theatre where they're having trouble working up enough sense of urgency to cooperate. The commuter rail platform contract is not a time-sensitive job at all, so it's no skin off the T's back if that one takes forever. NEU should by all logic be feeling more schedule pressure on the building with winter approaching, but they aren't acting the part. So the schedule slippage for both has been more or less unbounded by the inertia.
I don't think much at all is time sensitive to the MBTA, not even bus schedules!
There was a tower crane going up on St. Botolph... any idea what project this is? Is it even NEU?
Last night the BRA and Northeastern hosted an NU IMP Advisory Group meeting at their new NU Crossing space in International Village. There was a major announcement about a new residence hall at the Burke Street Lot, the plans of which have not yet been filed publicly with the BRA.

I wasn't sure if these images would be appropriate to post online since the plans have not been publicly filed yet; however, since the meeting was open to the public and the BRA was present (and the school will file them in the next few weeks anyway), here we go.

IMG_2088 by Derek Shooster, on Flickr

The Highlights:
- 300,000 to 350,000 square feet
- 20 stories (230 feet)
- Student-oriented community amenities and services (social lounge, recreation and gaming, fitness center, laundry, Academic Success Center)
- On-site paraprofessional staff and R.A.'s
- Neighborhood retail (3,000 sq. ft.)
- 190-225 Apartment units (650 to 850 beds)... these would be in 2-bedroom and 4-bedroom apartment style accommodations.
- NU has selected American Campus Communities as a development partner on this project, looking to their work at Drexel University as inspiration for this project.
- No parking; building setbacks respect surroundings; focus is to frame in Columbus Ave with respect to the new Science and Engineering Building
- an opportunity to do something digital with the tower where it faces toward the campus/Columbus Ave, as a means to 'connect' it to the rest of campus.

IMG_2074 by Derek Shooster, on Flickr

IMG_2075 by Derek Shooster, on Flickr

IMG_2078 by Derek Shooster, on Flickr

IMG_2079 by Derek Shooster, on Flickr

IMG_2081 by Derek Shooster, on Flickr

IMG_2083 by Derek Shooster, on Flickr

IMG_2084 by Derek Shooster, on Flickr

IMG_2085 by Derek Shooster, on Flickr

IMG_2086 by Derek Shooster, on Flickr

IMG_2087 by Derek Shooster, on Flickr


Last night the BRA and Northeastern hosted an NU IMP Advisory Group meeting at their new NU Crossing space in International Village. There was a major announcement about a new residence hall at the Burke Street Lot, the plans of which have not yet been filed publicly with the BRA.


IMG_2085 by Derek Shooster, on Flickr


I like this detail.

- Neighborhood retail (3,000 sq. ft.)

I'm not sure how much they could add to affect the Tremont side (since the plans show the existence of a building there). It would have to be on the Burke St and Columbus side, which is more "campus" than "community".

Nevertheless, retail of some sort would be welcome.
