Northeastern University - Institutional Master Plan

High Line comparisons are the new Brooklyn comparisons.
The NU pedestrian arc over the Orange Line tracks was designed by the same team that made High Line. It's the author's fault for overlooking that detail, but nonetheless that's what the implication was.

James Corner Field Operations or Diller Scofidio + Renfro designed the Arc?
Fireproofing's begun on the lower levels- I would expect facade installation to start in the next week or two.
This is going to look awesome, especially with the inherent spectacular backdrop of downtown.
This is going to look awesome, especially with the inherent spectacular backdrop of downtown.

That's only from the top floor of a parking garage, and frankly, the spectacularness of that view is gone now.
That's only from the top floor of a parking garage, and frankly, the spectacularness of that view is gone now.

Until we find a way to get to the top of this new building that is.
Any word on construction of the ARC? Or is the MBTA still dragging its feet?
It absolutely amazes me to see haw far NU has come in the last 20-25 years. That used to be a very sketchy over there.
It absolutely amazes me to see haw far NU has come in the last 20-25 years. That used to be a very sketchy over there.

Czervik -- Agreed -- Give NU a major positive vote

And I seem to forget -- who is the ABer who is constantly carping about Gown versus more Urban Outfitters or something like that

Without NU's concept [aka Transformation from a "gritty urban" commuter school into a an " Urban residential campus] accompanied with mostly quality execution -- that valuable area just off Huntington would still be what it was 30 years ago -- something far less desirable {although more "gritty urban"} :cool:
