Obama is a Failure!

^ Stop it! Your political views don't fit into the little tidy box I'm assigning them to!!!!!
This women says it all.


'Dollar valueless, about to crash' - World Bank whistleblower
Published on Oct 8, 2013

The US government shutdown - a temporary ailment or a symptom of a grave disease?

Are the Republicans right in their move to block Obamacare spending?
Who gains from the shutdown turmoil?

Do the politicians care about their citizens?
Our guest comes from the very heart of the banking system:
Karen Hudes was World Bank lawyer when she blew the whistle on major corruption cases in the system and was fired as a result.
'Dollar valueless, about to crash' - World Bank whistleblower

Just crying wolf. Again.

I used to listen to all this crap until the 4000th threat of collapse, epic inflation, "wish you owned gold and a rifle doomsday" prediction still hasn't come true.

I know you are old and cranky, but your memory can't be so bad that you can't remember a thousand other people crying the exact same brand of "wolf" year after year.

Ease up buddy - even after a global financial meltdown and multi-year recession - the good ol' greenback is still as good as it gets in this world.
Gold is doing horrible right now. Rifle, I sure hope you didn't invest your money in that sham!

Oh...and republicans need to stop blocking Obamacare...it's gives us more freedom in choosing health insurance for ourselves.
^I told you this weeks ago........we can now use the failed city of Detroit against american liberals for all eternity! Not once have you showed us a large american city that has failed under a conservative.
I'm publishing a paper called Liberal Leaders Ruin Cities: a Journey Into Conclusions Based on N=1 Studies.
I'm publishing a paper called Liberal Leaders Ruin Cities: a Journey Into Conclusions Based on N=1 Studies.

Page 1:

It's Obama's fault!

Page 2:

The End

Rush Limbaugh would then proudly proclaim that this paper is the best thing ever published.
You liberals always go to the talk-radio guys, why? You do know they're entertainers first, right?
You conservatives always listen to the talk-radio guys - why? You do know they're entertainers first, right?
Your rebuttal is as inspiring as listening to Jon Stewart's jokes, which is boring and less entertaining than Bill Maher.
Obama Administration Proposes 2,300-Page “New Constitution”

by Charles Hugh-Smith

The U.S. Constitution leaves too many areas open to interpretation; a New Constituion of 2,300 pages (+ 200 redacted secret pages) is the solution.

The Obama Administration has proposed replacing the current U.S. Constitution (4,543 words, including the signatures with a 2,300-page “new Constitution” that in the words of an administration spokesperson, “clears up the gray areas in the current Constitution.”

The proposal was launched after the success of two recent 1,000+ page pieces of legislation, the Affordable Care Act and the Dodd-Frank financial reform act.

An additional 200+ pages of the “new Constitution” are redacted due to the sensitive nature of the National Security-related amendments.

Lobbyists from key industries were invited to contribute amendments to the new Constitution;” constitutional legal experts were also invited to submit improvements to the current law of the land.

Some critics who have reviewed the 2,300 pages of the proposed “new Constitution” have stated that the document is impenetrable even to those with law degrees. Average citizens “will be unable to understand the laws that govern their lives.”

Other observers note that the complexity and length of legislation such as the Affordable Care Act and the Dodd-Frank financial reform act are already beyond the comprehension of all but a handful of experts.

An administration spokesperson defended the proposed re-write on the grounds that “the new Constitution will provide the clarity that people want in their Constitution.”

Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/obam...00-page-new-constitution/#ScgaZvFy1cYkqXBW.99

Whats wrong with our Founding Fathers Constitution?

Very disturbing
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It's amazing that absolutely no other news outlet is reporting on this. It's almost as if it's not real.

Oh, I take it all back. A quick Google search has Weekly World News, Info Wars, and Free Republic also reporting on it. It's definitely real.
Pentagon Withholding Death Benefits for Fallen Soldiers' Families (DISGRACEFUL!)

by Dan Riehl 8 Oct 2013
The Pentagon has confirmed it will not pay death benefits to the families of troops killed in combat during the so-called government shutdown.
With Obama's recent startling admission that he won't approve any measures to partially restore suspended government payments for purely political reasons, that puts the blame for this outrage squarely on his shoulders.

"Unfortunately, as a result of the shutdown, we do not have the legal authority to make death gratuity payments at this time," said Lt. Cmdr. Nate Christensen, a Defense Department spokesman. "However, we are keeping a close eye on those survivors who have lost loved ones serving in the Department of Defense."
The House intends to vote Wednesday to restore funding for the payments. Speaker John Boehner has accused the Obama administration "of needlessly withholding the money."

Over the weekend, four soldiers -- two of them Army Rangers -- and one Marine were killed while conducting combat operations in Afghanistan. The bodies of the four soldiers will be returned to Dover Air Force Base on Wednesday.

Due to the impasse, the families of 25-year-old 1st Lt. Jennifer M. Moreno; 24-year-old Pfc. Cody J. Patterson; 24-year-old Special Agent Joseph M. Peters; 25-year-old Sgt. Patrick C. Hawkins; and 19-year-old Lance Cpl. Jeremiah M. Collins, Jr. will not receive the $100,000 payment that they would have otherwise received within three days of the death.

Adding further insult, the families will have to pay for their own travel to Dover. That's a bill the Pentagon also says it can't pay because of the partial shutdown.

Privately, Defense Department officials say they wish they could pay the families and they admit it's a disgrace that deserves national attention.

Boehner claimed a bill passed by Congress and signed by the president last week to pay America's troops should have given the Pentagon the latitude "to pay all kinds of bills, including this."

What a great leader this guy is. After that lets bomb and arm the rebels of Syria as we have been fighting them in Iraq & Afghan now lets join forces. This entire Middle-East is a sham

