Obama is a Failure!

This feels more and more like one of those situations that we will later look back on and wonder if there was anything we could have done to get him the help he needs.
Although I agree that his Presidency is a failure, what we see now is a failure on both sides of the isle. I lean to the right with most candidates and issues, but even the right have failed. I always seem to say each election "It doesn't matter, cause in reality, they really do not care for the average working American". However, it really has gotten to new level of pathetic leadership on both sides. Pelosi, Boehner, Reid...just need to go.
Am I alone that finding Obama's lack of leadership experience (Governor, business, ect.) to be a major flaw of his? The guy just doesn't seem to understand the art of politics and managing/working with others?
I think a better question is why does he inspire such vitriolic hatred among certain segments of the population. Even more than Clinton. You can rag on the guy for his management skills, or his political skills (which I don't really agree with), but how much is he going to be able to do to solve the problem when a powerful faction on one side is steadfastly and ideologically opposed to anything at all he claims to want?
Am I alone that finding Obama's lack of leadership experience (Governor, business, ect.) to be a major flaw of his? The guy just doesn't seem to understand the art of politics and managing/working with others?

How do you work with people who say "do what we want or we will crash the economy"?

How do you work with people whose only goal was to make you a one term president? Obviously not relevant anymore, but there are numerous pre-2012 quotes from republicans stating their only goal was to make Obama fail. Their goal was not to govern, their goal was not to enact republican legislation, their goal was to make Obama look bad.
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Am I alone that finding Obama's lack of leadership experience (Governor, business, ect.) to be a major flaw of his? The guy just doesn't seem to understand the art of politics and managing/working with others?

No president ever faced a congress where a small group of extremists manage to hijack it because of their ideology, aka the Tea Party. I mean, name a regime where a group is so inherently disruptive, that it managed to divide their own party in half, so much that their own house speaker can't even manage them. What we have in congress now are three parties, the extreme right Republicans, the conservative moderate Republicans, and the Democrats.
How do you work with people whose only goal is to make you a one term president? Obviously not relevant anymore, but there are numerous pre-2012 quotes from republicans stating their only goal was to make Obama fail. Their goal was not to govern, their goal was not to enact republican legislation, their goal was to make Obama look bad.

And not surprisingly, the majority of Americans are aware of that, hence why the polls have shown that more and more people blame Republicans for the shut down. At the same time, the Tea Party right continue their tradition of not believing in the polls (or saying they are wrong). Even the conservative moderate Republicans have pulled their head out of the ass to realize how out of touch the Tea Party and are trying to distance themselves from them.
....What we have in congress now are three parties, the extreme right Republicans, the conservative moderate Republicans, and the Democrats.

I don't agree with this statement. We have two parties.

The republican party has been far-right for the past twenty years. We don't have a left party. The democrats right now are a slightly right party. Don't believe me? Compare the democrats policies to the conservatives in Canada, Australia, and Great Britain and you'll see they're mostly similar.
And not surprisingly, the majority of Americans are aware of that, hence why the polls have shown that more and more people blame Republicans for the shut down. At the same time, the Tea Party right continue their tradition of not believing in the polls (or saying they are wrong). Even the conservative moderate Republicans have pulled their head out of the ass to realize how out of touch the Tea Party and are trying to distance themselves from them.

I agree with some of the ideas the TEA PARTY believe in. GOVT SPENDING is ruining the country and Detroit is the perfect example where our FREEDOMS end up. The country is run by the corporations not the people.

If you really believe that Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are the richest people in the world your delusional. The richest people in the world are the people that own the Federal Reserve Bank and print our money and sit back collect the interest off the backs of the sheep that get up everyday and go to work.

Both party's Republicans and Democrats are owned by the same corporate interests.
I think a better question is why does he inspire such vitriolic hatred among certain segments of the population.

Racism. Plain and simple. I was going to make this point myself, but yesterday's rally of people waving Confederate flags and making speeches asking Americans to revolt and Obama to "put the Quran down" proved my point for me.


This small little faction of the Republican party is absolutely terrorizing the entire country. This is not how government is supposed to work.

"D.C. protestors wave Confederate flag, tell Obama to “put the Quran down”" is a headline you'd expect from the Onion. The fact that it is a 100% real headline is disgusting and terrifying.
^I can't say I approve of that guy's message of Obama to, "put down the Quran." But how exactly is that racist?

Here's one definition of the term racist:
a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

That news article doesn't prove he's a racist. It just shows the organizer is an attention whore and wants to get noticed for inappropriate comments and waving around a stupid flag.
I still can't figure out why the Right Wing Nuts hate Obama so much. Obama still has us on the same track as the entire Bush agenda.

Continuing Wars in the middle east (Check)
Supports Wall Street (Check)
Big Corporations like Monsanto (Check)
Deficits don't matter (Check)
Govt Spending gone wild (Check)

The only difference between Bush & Obama is that OBAMA election was based on lies about accountability, transparency and other garbage this guy spewed to get elected.

Obama is Bush--Bush is Obama. Same Puppet just a different party. That's how I see it.
I will note that the deficit specifically and government spending generally have collapsed, for better or worse, in the last year and a half.
^ *sigh* I know. I've been trying to stay fairly disengaged from this thread because it's a waste of time.
^ *sigh* I know. I've been trying to stay fairly disengaged from this thread because it's a waste of time.

It's not just him though. It's the entire FOX-watching wing of the Republican party. Facts used to be facts. They're not anymore. If a fact isn't what they want it to be, they claim that its skewed or wrong. Because... America!
