One Post Office Square Makeover and Expansion | Financial District


Senior Member
Jun 26, 2013
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I wasn't sure where to put this:

From Twitter (BBJ's Catherine Carlock): "These developers want to transform Boston's One Post Office Square tower from concrete to glass."

[article behind paywall]


Re: What's Happening With Project X?

Not a fan of the existing condition but this doesn't need to happen.
Hot damn. Yes, please. One of the worst towers in Boston.
For a second I thought this was a whole new proposal. Anyway I wonder if the height is going to be the same. Maybe a good time to add a few additional floors. I love the redesign though.
For a second I thought this was a whole new proposal. Anyway I wonder if the height is going to be the same. Maybe a good time to add a few additional floors. I love the redesign though.

A few more floors would be great. And in the redesign, do I see some type of potentially illuminated crown? Or illuminated spires a la the new State Street tower?
A few more floors would be great. And in the redesign, do I see some type of potentially illuminated crown? Or illuminated spires a la the new State Street tower?

Absolutely. Or a crown. Something other than a flat roof.

I look forward to seeing more renderings of this! fun. Does it mention timing or if the building has to be completely empty during this time ? I know Putnam is the anchor and moves out next year.
The best part of the current building are the whimsical overhangs, particularly in silhouette. The new design seems like it may get rid of that. It also appears like they are making it wider, without adding additional height. So basically they are removing the best part of the shape, stumpifying it some more, and somehow making the crown even worse than what's currently there.

I also think the city already has enough glass proposals/construction, and at some point too much of it is not a good thing. If they insist on this renovation, they really need to go back to the drawing board.
I am in the minority on this, but I have always appreciated this building. I actually work in there a lot (coincidentally).

What's funny is that this is exactly the type of news I have been hoping for... but for 1 Beacon.
Shuffling over my comments from the "What's Happening With..." thread.

I disagree strongly with eliminating the cantilevers, arguably the one thing that makes the building distinctive. I wouldn't mind a thoughtful reclad, but this isn't one. What's the point in making a building more anonymous?
I like this building too. I don't think this is an necessarily an improvement.

The building that really needs a makeover is 225 Franklin Street (old State Street tower). Bleaaaach.
I like this building too. I don't think this is an necessarily an improvement.

The building that really needs a makeover is 225 Franklin Street (old State Street tower). Bleaaaach.

One Boston place is pretty damn ugly. fun. Does it mention timing or if the building has to be completely empty during this time ? I know Putnam is the anchor and moves out next year.

Updated: Read it on my phone so got a bit more before hitting the paywall -- timing is indeed after the Putnam move next April. Garage structure rebuild or extension slated to start third quarter 2018; main tower rework first or second quarter 2019.

Filling in under the overhangs yields a lot of the new space in the main tower (100,000 sq feet). Plus there is a major addition on top of the adjacent parking structure (or a complete replacement structure) on Milk Street (something like 18 floors, 300,000 sq. feet.).

Project budget is about $250 million.
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Immediate reaction:

1) gotta keep the cantilevers
2) why not a BU Law tower treatment (nice new glass and some accent), as opposed to a total curtainwall?
3) the current render looks like a stretched version of 888 Boylston...Please Nooooooooo
Any love I had for this building disappeared once they ripped out that sumptuous (yet admittedly super '80s) rose marble lobby. The cantilevers were alright but seemed like they were there only to make up for how ugly that concrete facade is. I say bring on the glass!
Immediate reaction:

1) gotta keep the cantilevers
2) why not a BU Law tower treatment (nice new glass and some accent), as opposed to a total curtainwall?
3) the current render looks like a stretched version of 888 Boylston...Please Nooooooooo

1) Cantilevers have to go to pay for the rework (100,000 sq feet of space)
2) Glass curtain walls are preferred by tenants (per BBJ article), more interior light.
3) I don't think it is THAT bad.
You know those "augmented reality" filters that make people look like dogs or whatever? This looks like what you'd get if you took a pic of the existing building and put it through a "make me generic" filter.

Or alternatively, if you gave a random guy-on-the-street 45 minutes to design an office tower, I'm pretty sure this is exactly what you'd get.

This project looks like a whole lot of expense for barely any improvement. A bunch of square footage will get more expensive and relatively little new square footage will be created. If only the investors could take all the millions they'll spend on this reno and use it to build a new building at some other under-developed location instead...
Uninspired, tedious, and insipid design. I can't think of one redeeming thing to say about it. The existing building is not pretty, but at least it is unique, at least it can make you stop and look. And it does this without being brash or showy.

I am so tired of glass boxes. This "reboot" is about the worst ones we've seen so far. It is tired and generic in a way the Seaport has managed to avoid. There has been no attempt to create an interesting form here, no effort to make it visually unique or appealing. If it weren't for the background buildings in that render you would never even know it's Boston.

The architect seems to have given no regard for context. I wonder if he/she even bothered to visit the site. Post Office Square is one of the finest locations in Boston. It is surrounded by respectful buildings that work together to create a quiet and "cozy" atmosphere. Regardless of scale they are all a little deferential, allowing the park to be the gem that it is. Say goodbye to all that if this monstrosity gets built.

Please, no.
For the forum super oldies out there, I have always thought about a comment ablarc made back in 2004 (!!) every time I look at this building:

I have always had a special hatred for the Jung-Brannen building on Post Office Square with its pointless cantilevers that ruin so many views, particularly from the water. The same architects messed up a pretty and graceful late Beaux-Arts Federal Reserve building when they put an awkward and stupid glass trapezoid on top, to make it a hotel. Ruined the proportions, which were those of the Palazzo Farnese.
(ancient link )

It's curious that that memory would have stuck with me for so long -- I'm certainly not sorry to see it recladded, even if this proposal may not be the greatest....
