The new (re)development occurring in the vicinity of the station and the passenger facility building are unambiguous successes, but to play devil’s advocate on the station exceeding ridership expectations, the elephant in the room is South Attleboro’s sudden closure, which was not anticipated back when those expectations were set. We don’t know exactly how much of Pawtucket’s apparent overperformance in boardings (and parking demand) is really just temporarily-displaced South Attleboro riders, but I’m sure that’s a factor.
Once they reopen that station, and establish paid parking at Pawtucket like all the other stations, we’ll probably see Pawtucket’s ridership stats deflate back down to the original projections. But hopefully in the meantime, enough new housing units will be built around the station to make up for that future gap. Regardless, this was a successful project, and a major win for the community.