I don't know where else to put these, so here's some random photos I've amassed over the last few months.
First, from my walk through the South End today, I absolutely love this design to the stairway sidepieces
Second, I'm stunned. The 1970s mansard craze on steroids.
Next, here's a bunch of older pictures that I've come across in various books and government documents from the BPL.
an early early design of the Prudential Center, complete with a space age circular convention hall, the hotel to the left of the property, and a 36 story tower as the centerpiece
Another shot
Under construction in 1963 (the top portion is the northwest corner of the old Hynes)
A tempura from 1968-ish
And the 1989 model for the redevelopment of the complex
Next, here's a shot looking east from around 1930, with the Longwood Medical area in the foreground, at this point still mostly undeveloped. That somewhat biggish building in the center of the shot (just past the big cleared area) is the original collegiate gothic Emanuel College building
And lastly for now, here is Comm Ave, looking east from the roof of the Fuller (Cadillac) building. The Shell structure to the left still exists. From around 1940