Photo of the Day, Boston Style - Part Deux

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kz1000ps said:
Not a standout photo in and of itself, but I just got a camera for X-mas (yay!!!), and I'm eager to see what it can do and how it looks up on a forum page!

Good news if it means you're going to stop posting those lousy camera phone pics. :D

JoeGallows, where did you take that photo from, the roof of the Province St garage? Very nice.
briv said:
JoeGallows, where did you take that photo from, the roof of the Province St garage? Very nice.

25th floor of One Beacon Street. I'll post some more soon.
briv said:
Good news if it means you're going to stop posting those lousy camera phone pics. :D

...(mutters something unintelligible to self).....
I'm on Co-Op in Rhode Island again this upcoming semester... No more boston pics for a while from me :(
Interesting pic, kz: lots going on compositionally, all composed of lazy, looping arcs going this way and that but cohering nicely.

Too bad that tan apartment building is missing its cornice. Too bad you have to make a highway bridge look like Auschwitz to keep folks from dropping cinderblocks on passing cars.
A slightly late Christmas present! Could've been better, but since it was handheld, this was the best result. Enjoy!

Is anyone else having problems with Joe's image? My computer is going into convulsions trying to load it, which took about 5 minutes to before my mouse responded again. Plus, even though I pressed ctrl-alt-del only once or twice, 30 task manager screens popped up.. ??

Not to discredit the picture, it's fantastic Joe (love the straight shot up Beacon St.), but I think it just might be too big for its own good. Or maybe my computer just sucks.
Nice shot. I like how you can see Dorchester Heights and BC in the same picture. Those antennas out near Newton look really tall.
kz1000ps said:
but I think it just might be too big for its own good

Yeah, I hadn't realized it was that large. I reduced its size by half, since at 100% in the original, it looked like crap anyway.

bowesst said:
Those antennas out near Newton look really tall.

According to the FCC registry, they're all well over 1000 feet.

I love how on the horizon above Kendall Square, one can see Mt. Wachusett over 40 miles away, and just above the Alewife towers, Mt. Monadnock in New Hampshire.
Thanks, Joe. I can now open this thread without fear of getting a blue screen of death.

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