Photo of the Day, Boston Style: Part VI (2013)

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Senior Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Up on Fort Hill.


That should go into nomination for next year's photo award.
Beautiful!!! And kudo's to MassDot for FINALLY upgrading the Zakim lighting!!!

Just wondering, which side of the next building do you prefer? I actually think the back (right side) looks nicer, but think the glassier one was still the better choice to face the common. The back cladding really does it for me though. Didn't think I would say that a couple years ago.

Winter Lights along the Rose Kennedy Greenway. Now the globes are there but the Lights that are below the granite are 4 of my own flashlights. So don't go here thinking you will see the walkway lit up because that was my "Light Design" Hope ya like it.

If only we had some kind of organization empowered to do things like this to improve the Greenway, I'm sure it would have easily proposed and made fixtures like these permanent in order to make the space a paragon of excellent design and lively streetlife by now...

Oh wait.
Welcome back, 02124, it's been a while! And great picture...I'm a sucker for art deco and those heroic reliefs.
thanks^ never really went anywhere just my life at home changed had to deal w/that then I losted my camera,got a new one so expect to see more of me again :)
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