Photo of the Day, Boston Style: Part VIII (2015)


Senior Member
May 28, 2006
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How is it February 10th and nobody has started up a POTD thread yet????????

Well I don't have any new photos to share, but in light of this deluge of snow I thought back to the last time we had snow on top of snow on top of snow, which was right about four years ago, late January-early February 2011, when there was easily 3-4 feet piled up everywhere and you heard similar laments about where the hell we're going to put it all.

Obviously this year has blown past that, but since I have no new photos I figured we could reminisce about how easy we had it back then. This also predates my good camera so excuse the blurriness in some of these.







I suppose this all looks pretty quaint by now.
top photo is vinal or woodstock?

i lived in worcester then, and we got clobbered out there, much worse than boston - looked nearly as bad as boston does now...
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As someone not in the city now, I'd love to see some pictures of the same area after tomorrow's storm.
top photo is vinal or woodstock?

Woodstock just uphill from Vinal, probably right at Summit Ave.

As someone not in the city now, I'd love to see some pictures of the same area after tomorrow's storm.

I'm back in NYC now but from what I gather this one turned out to be light on the snow and heavy on the winds. So take from these photos from the last two days what you will :)





How is it February 10th and nobody has started up a POTD thread yet????????

I don't know about others but I haven't been able to take many pictures because it's too god damn cold out to walk around. Which is too bad because I'm sure the city scape is looking pretty interesting with all this snow on the ground.
Fair enough. It has been damn cold, so cold that I've been getting out photographing on the days when it's in the upper 20s thinking finally we have a warm day... it's all relative, ha.

And in the case of the last couple days, I was working a side job and had a vehicle from which I could take photos and stay warm. Of course the downside there was that traffic was an absolute nightmare. Friday evening it took me an hour and a half to get from Route 9 by the Chestnut Hill Mall down to South Bay boooo.

Meanwhile in NYC we have maybe four inches on the ground... all these storms have just managed to miss us, and I'm totally fine with that.
I'm back in NYC now but from what I gather this one turned out to be light on the snow and heavy on the winds. So take from these photos from the last two days what you will :)

Light on the snow... haha I figure I have at least 14 inches of fresh fluffy snow from this one ;)
Yeah I'll kindly eat those words rite meow...
Some highlights from last 3 weeks. All images can be seen in Imgur album located here.


great pic. it looks like pictures of pre-car cities - people just hanging out in the streets. just after big snowstorms is always a magical brief time where cars are off the roads, and everything feels a little more human.
We should memorialize this winter with a sculpture of someone shoveling snow.

Plus, every time it snows, it'll look like they're shoveling.
Just about anywhere, at this point.

But maybe near a Red Line station on the way south :)
