Pierce Boston (née The Point )| Boylston St/Brookline Av | Fenway


I highly recommend that everybody here bookmark the webcam and refresh that sucker several times per day. (see post 367 if the above link doesn't work) The first floor has been fully formed and they are working (more quickly) on the 2nd. Core finally just jumped up to the 3rd floor today! It looks like the footprint will grow smaller from the 3rd floor on up, so I expect this to really pick up steam in the coming weeks!!!

This is a M-F construction. If you refresh the webcam around 7am each weekday morning, you can see all of the workers gathering for another day of building. Until CSC gets out of the ground, this is the most exciting project growing. Go Go Go!!!!!
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From 5/9 at 7:46 pm on the webcam. Looks better in the link above.

They have added another floor to this bad boy.

When they get to level 4, someone get a street level..... we're dying up here!! :)
I have been watching that webcam almost daily and man is this flying now. We are getting close to floor per week territory if we aren't already there now.
from the renderings, it looks like the floor plates are (generally) cookie-cutter from the third floor up...so here it goes

it's a race between this and 1350 boylston
1350 looks like it's almost at ground level when I drove by today.
I can't help but feeling that this is something of a lost opportunity. The site is so dramatic and so prominent, I really would have liked to see the corner emphasized more sharply. A true flat-iron building. The streetwalls would have been more dramatic from Brookline and Boylston, and the view from Longwood and from the refurbished Olmstead park would have been stunning. Instead what we are getting is basically a slab, which could have been built anywhere.

I realize that this had something to do with Trilogy and sight lines, but I'm not sure how they got enough clout to make demands. Still, even with that restriction, something could have been done. Make the building's "footprint" (3rd floor and up) a rhombus to the full height, tapering the Trilogy facing side to a point. Or include a series of setbacks on the east face. Something. I would just liked to have seen a much bolder presence along the two main streets.

I still think this could be gorgeous building and am looking forward to watching it rise, but I don't think they made very good use of the unique site.
I still think this could be gorgeous building and am looking forward to watching it rise, but I don't think they made very good use of the unique site.

I respectfully disagree. The building is much higher and more distinctive than I would have thought for a site like this. It will be the largest and most distinctive building in Fenway by far.
Yea from the side it will look like a regular building, but coming into fenway from longwood looks incredible.

Nobody will ever have this view.


This is what everybody is going to see and this is where the building has the most dramatic impact.

No question it will be the largest and most distinctive building in the Fenway, and that view looking straight-on at the chisel edge will surely be dramatic. I just wish they could have continued the footprint of the first two floors up the building somehow. Take better advantage of the uniquely shaped site.

Anyway, this is an exciting project either way. Hopefully I will stand corrected and the sight of this thing towering over Trilogy from Boylston Street will make me not care that it doesn't continue the streetwall.
This is going to look a million times taller than it really is from this angle too because its on a knife edge. Kind of like the Hancock when viewed from mass ave in Cambridge when you come through central square. The Hancock looks huge from there because it lines up perfectly with its thinnest side. Thats what this tower is going to do for brookline ave coming through Longwood.
Poolio, I think I get what you're saying and I agree. On the one hand, the 'nose' this building gives to the corner is great, but I do agree that I'd have loved to see a rendition of the building where its street wall-reinforcing 'podium' ran at least a few more floors up to make it feel more congruous with the street wall that Trilogy establishes for half the block.

10 Sullivan in SoHo has a similar treatment, where it is not only flush with the street wall on adjacent blocks, but also steps down in height to its neighbours:

Absolutely should not miss this opportunity with whatever goes up in place of the Gulf gas station and the Star Market in the next development cycle.
^ Yeah, that's more or less what I was thinking. I'm not a fan of this particular building; ironically it makes me happier with what we're getting in the Pierce... but that was the general idea, yes.
