awesome, thanks! Look for Bay House to begin construction within a few weeks because September is their deadline before the contract zone expires.
Despite Councilor Leeman's bluster (which was transparently political theater, and frustratingly cynical — she'd been involved in these negotiations for a year now, remember, but now that everything's public she wants to make a stand? Methinks she doth protest too much. It was clear to most people there that she's cynically hedging against the possibility that the project might still not happen, so she's holding a door open to say "I told you so" in the future), the Committee endorsed the sale agreement last night.
My impressions here: http://rightsofway.blogspot.com/2012/09/maritime-landing-update.html
And here's an updated sketch plan of the project. Sorry for the quality (fluorescent light in the meeting room):
We won't have real details of what the buildings might look like until Phase 1 (east of Chestnut St) goes for planning board approval sometime in the next year or so. They're under a deadline to finish Phase 1 within 3 years, so I'd expect planning approval would need to happen relatively soon to meet that schedule.
My impressions here: http://rightsofway.blogspot.com/2012/09/maritime-landing-update.html