Portland International Jetport | PWM

The queues at the car rental counters looked like something seen in a much bigger metropolis over Labor Day weekend. I'd like to see comparative data on this metric with other airports around New England (sans Logan). I get to fly in and out of many airports around the country now, and the Portland Jetport is one of the best. Good job. The worst? Shreveport, LA, with a metro area population a little under Portland's, and there is literally no place to charge a phone! But that Concord Coach express bus to Logan is hard to ignore. (Never. Take. The Train.) If there wasn't that, probably a full 10-15% higher count in passengers for Portland, maybe? The days of taking someone to the airport are somewhat over, I think, and for a minimum ninety minute drive to Logan, definitely. That would take a special friend to do that. And I'm so glad the airport shuttle van thing is gone. Picking people up in the early morning while waiting for them to come out of the house with too much luggage are days I want to forget. 😖
The train is great if you're actually going into Boston, and even better for a cocktail on the ride home. But yes, using the train if you're going to Logan is nuts. And indeed, there are few people in my life I love enough to pick up at Logan, let alone drive them there. Coming from this direction, with all the city streets with randomly-placed rotaries through Revere? Ugh.
I can attest to the Labor Day rental situation. Rental return was busy. They had closed off the lower return ramp and made us return in make shift return spots and signage on regular levels of the garage. Maybe that's common now? I flew in and out PWM twice this summer. Both times quite busy. Larger aircraft that result in many of the gate hold area passengers spilling into adjacent gate hold areas. I hope that is accounted for in the upcoming expansion. I flew Delta and American, but the United corner looked like a crowded mess. Maybe it's not an issue during off season months, but it did not look comfortable down there with the summer rush and multiple planes at those gates.

What I was surprised with was the level of disrepair, as unfortunately my eye gets drawn towards. Over the two trips: parking lane gates (had someone handing out tickets), ticketing entry door, baggage claim exit door, escalator to security were all inoperable. Urinals were wrapped up and inoperable, bathroom sink hardware was loose and misaligned, and plenty of cracks, spalling and chunks missing in the concrete floor in the new section. And if you looked toward the ceiling from Gates 7 to 1 in the older section, yikes. Water damaged tiles everywhere, peeling paint, lights out and damaged fixtures and stained carpet when you looked down. Maybe the summer rush is just too much to keep up maintenance. Definitely showing its age and not aging well as the lower gate areas just look tired.

I still think the flight options are impressive and the new portion still looks good, but was curious if others had noticed the overall conditions.
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Excellent review DesertMainiac and the wear and tear issues you witnessed have been noted by myself and others. The older portion of the concourse (Gates 1-6) needs a complete makeover including the ceilings and should be improved in a way so it blends in better with the newer addition which is already 12 years old. The white tile flooring was completed a few years ago and did help class that area up which was a huge improvement over the carpet and there has been talk about using the same tile over the concrete sections.

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The train is great if you're actually going into Boston, and even better for a cocktail on the ride home. But yes, using the train if you're going to Logan is nuts. And indeed, there are few people in my life I love enough to pick up at Logan, let alone drive them there. Coming from this direction, with all the city streets with randomly-placed rotaries through Revere? Ugh.
You can get cocktails on the Downeaster now? Do they have a car dedicated to it? Put in a big screen with sports betting and its' now a home run!


The painting project in front of the terminal has been completed and the use of one color throughout provides a needed dose of uniformity.
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The Jetport does the best it can under City budget constraints and federal funding. All of the city's buildings are in poor shape. At least there are new chairs in the sitting area compared to the ripped older chairs they got rid of. The more passengers that fly thru, the more federal money flows through. Remember, the airlines pay for fees, which go to infrastructure. So, the Jetport tries to balance the fees that are charged. The higher the fees, less flights and airlines. Honestly, I am glad the facility was overused, at capacity vs underused. The circular revolving doors are always broken and need parts, but someone at the city decided that these were the best option vs sliding doors.
You can get cocktails on the Downeaster now? Do they have a car dedicated to it? Put in a big screen with sports betting and its' now a home run!

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They don't have a fancy lounge car, but the café does pour basic cocktails.

And I still dislike the switch to dark blue.
