Yes, that stained and odor producing carpeting in the older part of the terminal is unacceptable and embarrassing. It reminds me of walking though the original parts of La Guardia with the 7-foot-high ceilings and condensation stains only inches above from the venting. What a first impression that made on arriving passengers. But then the new terminal at La Guardia has some issues, and ones in which I could create a thesis paper length critique on. Maybe we can start a GoFundMe page for the Jetport issue. I got $100 ready.I did not see the new carpet throughout the entire concourse on the list of projects!![]()
The new carpet is approved and is going to happen. I was just pointing out that it was not included on the list of improvements because it's minor (expense) in the scheme of new projects but vital for a first impression.
Does anyone know if the parking lot expansion project passed the muster test and the Stroudwater neighborhood stronghold at the Planning board meeting last night?