The new parking lot purchase was necessary in order to accommodate the cars that will be displaced in the lot to the west of the garage which will eventually allow construction to begin on the garage addition. Baggage claim improvements are expected to start later this year with the flat plate carousels being replaced with incline versions. You are correct TC, the current 2 gate expansion probably should have been part of the 2011 project but the passenger counts at that time did not justify 14 gates. The built out for this project was originally only going to include the actual attachment of the enclosed boarding walkways to the side of the present terminal. I think Paul got tired of me complaining about not utilizing the potential space above the ground level for so long he finally relented and found enough funding out of the most recent grant to pull it off. He also found money out of PWM's capital improvement funds to replace all of the carpet throughout the entire upper concourse. Replacement of 5 jetways (gates 3-7) is planned to start later this year at a cost of around 800K each. Gates 2, 8, 9, 10 and 11 are in excellent shape with a few more years of service and the jetways for 12 and 14 will be brand new once the expansion is hopefully completed in late May.