Portland International Jetport | PWM

Frontier is rejoining the PWM party and you are the master of all things related to transportation Ben. Thanks for your continued efforts! (y)
Installing tile over the terrazzo has been discussed as an option, too many years have passed to hold the original contractor responsible.
Yes it is too late but should have been addressed when they built the new terminal. Those floors were cracked already before the terminal opened to the public. It IS possible to strip and sand those floors and use a filler then re-finish them.
Here are some interesting facts. I looked at July 11th as a base for the Summer. This might be the day for plane spotting.
List of airframes coming in that day
B737-900ER 1
B737-Max8 2
B737-800 3
B737-700 5
A-321 4
A-320 4
A-319 6
E-190 2
E-175 14
E-170 1
CRJ-900 8
17 Different Direct Cities in one Day
27 Mainline Aircraft-Changed per Portlander....
50 Flights in (no cancellations)
50 Flights out (no cancellations)
If the planes are full coming in and out Est* 11,334.00 for just the day...
Breeze does not fly at all on July 11th allowing Sun Country, Frontier, and SWA to utilize Gate 5
Jetblue on has 2 flights inbound and outbound to JFK
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Nice research PWMFlyer, but I counted 27 mainline aircraft and I think you missed the two E-190 JetBlue flights. (y) Talked to Paul this morning and he said that Frontier appears to be chasing some Midwest non stops due to the success out of PWM during the pandemic. A month ago the data showed Portland slightly down upcoming this summer but due to the recent addition of new routes and service the jetport is in record territory again. The new funding will add restrooms in the current TSA space once they relocate to the airport's administration offices. Also, there may be enough money for a small structure expansion over the roof at Gate 13 for increased seating due to the 2 new jetways in the busy end of the concourse especially during the morning push.
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I'm just curious in Paul had any other juicy gossip about new service. :p
Nothing else because he had just landed in Charlotte and the new federal funding was at the forefront. I am always reminding him of the gloomy terrazzo floors that need repaired and I think the new white tiles that were installed from Gate 1 through 6 and matching the gray paint in front of the terminal for uniformity was only done because of my constant complaining!
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Is this where some of the planned parking is going to be? Could be wrong
Interesting. PWM shows up as a bookable destination on their website but doesn't appear on their route map.

I could see a Cape Air-esque service like Southern Airways Express flying Cessna Caravan's from PWM to Eastport and Presque Isle working well. There's a big need to connect these small aging communities with major hospitals. Growing up in Presque Isle it was common to see people making the 5 hour drive to Portland for a medical appointment or boarding a US Airways turboprop for an appointment in Boston.

Wouldn't it make far more sense for places like PQI and EPM to have service to BOS rather than PWM? A 5 hour drive isn't great, but it's doable, and access to the "capital city" of New England and all of its institutions would seem to offer so much more, including onward connectivity. Is it a matter of range for something like a Cessna Caravan? Or space/slots on the BOS end?
Good question and I was wondering the same? I'm guessing its slots.
Is this where some of the planned parking is going to be? Could be wrong
No, if the parking plan is as shown earlier in this thread (I couldn't get the link to work properly), this is further up Westbrook St., towards the Yellow Bird Road intersection and beyond that with Jetport Blvd.
More seats on Breeze's PWM routes. Breeze has ordered 10 additional A220's and will be moving its Embraer 190/195 fleet to charter operations. They'll be an all-A220 fleet for scheduled flights by the end of the year.

I'm going to visit some friends in the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area in June and I'll give Breeze a try.
Flew that route last summer and it was great. Two easy airports to travel through. No delays either way and friendly service!
After checking, Breeze is not using the A220 aircraft on that route yet and I really want to reserve the "Nicest" seats because I'm worth it! :)
Frontier bringing two A321s per day during this winter break rush. That’s 480 seats to Orlando from Portland per day!
With B6 submitting an EAS to PQI for service to BOS, it would be year round vs seasonal here at the jetport. Would that allow them to close PWM station? They said it would be on the E190 then transition to the A220.
The EAS bid for PQI is....bizarre. They can't make PWM work year round and scaled down service to the jetport dramatically, they left BTV after over 20 years, They've cut routes from PVD and BDL, they've never even tried service to MHT or BGR....and yet they want to fly year-round to Aroostook County with mainline sized jets?? I feel like JetBlue isn't in a great position following the rejection of their bid to merge with Spirit. Chasing EAS subsidies usually isn't something airlines do unless they're out of ideas for growth.
Screenshot 2024-02-24 at 1.36.33 PM 2.png

JetBlue could have had a decent impact with the Portland market if they would have been consistent with their service and expanded beyond NYC. They have alienated many loyal travelers in Maine and I wish them the best with their efforts at PQI which makes zero sense to me. Burlington is bringing out their heavy hitters in hopes of JetBlue returning to BTV in the future. If they due abandon PWM, that Scandal song "Goodbye To You" from the 80's comes to mind! :)
