Thanks for sharing, that's the first rendering I've seen of the final product. I think it looks quite nice and I like how it's broken up into a few different parts. The curved roof section is a neat touch as well.
Another new Avesta product is in the works for Washington Avenue per today's article in the PPH. It would be replacing a decrepit old house near the intersection with Walnut and Fox Streets. The rendering isn't much too look at, but neither is what is there now.
Another article from the Press Herald; This one regarding a new 4 story, 45 unit development called Bayside Anchor:
Mmmmmm.......lime green and unicycles.
Nice shot, too bad the project isn't a little taller (10 floors at least). It's such a great vantage point and low-rise buildings only provide so many units...
west end place might be starting construction.alliedcook is digging up by the corner of bracket and pine st.
i. Amendment to Conditional Rezoning Agreement; Casco Heights Condominiums (formerly Graves Hill Development); 802-828 Ocean Avenue; Ridge Development, LLC., Applicant. The Planning Board will consider proposed amendments to include, but are not limited to, changing the name to Ridge Development, LLC.; reducing the total number of units allowed from 98 to 94; eliminating the project amenities; reducing building height, changing the zone line and modifying the amount of area within the ROS and R-5A zones; and changing the parking ratio to allow 2 spaces for multi-bedroom units and 1 space per 1 bedroom unit.
I want to know what "eliminating the project amenities" refers to. As for eliminating the height, the height and the attendant waterfront views would be the best thing about living up there!You guys remember the "Graves Hill" project planned for outer Ocean Avenue, near the Falmouth town line? This week's planning board notice suggests that it might be coming back from the real estate bubble graveyard (with less parking and 4% fewer units)...