and it would also be nice to be able to connect to the mall area
That would be great, I think. That's usually the way I get into Portland from Saco, so it seems like a fairly good place to have a sort of 'gateway' bridge; something that's nice on the eyes and sort of welcoming. I don't usually pay attention to construction and development over there, what's the second phase of Mercy going to look like? Or is it already under constuction? I haven't been over there lately...
Wasn't there a building planned for that area awhile back? A six story office building of some kind? Whatever happened to that?
Phase two of the project would begin with construction of a 700- to 900-car parking garage on the site, followed by the addition of a 200,000-square-foot building onto the back of the Fore River hospital. Mercy expects to begin that phase between 2012 and 2015.
From the Press Herald article when Phase 1 opened...
As far as replacing Veteran's bridge, it almost makes me wish that the Casco Bay Bridge was designed to be more of a 'landmark.' They could have done much better I think. (I don't know when I became so cynical about Portland, I guess I am getting old?)
This building is still under construction. It looks like they are fixing up the old garage across the street, too.
Patrick - Yep, the main entrance to the building is between the One and Two Monument Square buildings,on the Congress St. sides. There are currently smaller entrances next to the Square on the Congress St. side (I think it goes into a Key Bank Branch) and on the Federal Street Side. I look forward to this building's new look. Maybe they can update Two Monument Square as well.
Matt68 - Welcome aboard! There really is some great stuff happening in that area, despite the sour economy.