Proto | 88 Ames St | Kendall Square | Cambridge

Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

The parapet and scuppers in the first photo make it look like this is the top of the podium.
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

The parapet and scuppers in the first photo make it look like this is the top of the podium.

Agreed. The slab depression suggests roof deck.

Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

Funny I spend so much time looking up at the building that I failed to look down.

While walking past today I noticed the columns for the front of the building are actually IN Ames st. I didn't realize they were reducing the width of the street by 1.5-ish lanes to accommodate the building....
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

Funny I spend so much time looking up at the building that I failed to look down.

While walking past today I noticed the columns for the front of the building are actually IN Ames st. I didn't realize they were reducing the width of the street by 1.5-ish lanes to accommodate the building....

If you read through this thread from the beginning, I'm sure you'll find the details - as I recall the city traded or sold some of the public ROW. I don't recall what they got in exchange.
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

The developer committed to building a park on the triangular lot near the railroad and Kendall Cinema.
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

The developer committed to building a park on the triangular lot near the railroad and Kendall Cinema.

Interesting - since Google already agreed to pay for said park in order to take part of the roof garden for offices....
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

Narrowing Ames is a good thing - it was absurdly wide for what it was.
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

Interesting - since Google already agreed to pay for said park in order to take part of the roof garden for offices....

Are we sure we're talking about the same park? IIRC, aren't there multiple stretches along the grand junction railroad that are/have been/will be rejuvenated into park space over the next couple of years?

Maybe google already chipped in for this one?!7i13312!8i6656
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

Are we sure we're talking about the same park? IIRC, aren't there multiple stretches along the grand junction railroad that are/have been/will be rejuvenated into park space over the next couple of years?

Maybe google already chipped in for this one?!7i13312!8i6656

I stand somewhat. corrected - it was Boston Properties who agreed to help pay for Binney park back when they took part of the roof garden park. Article below says it was a $2M commitment at the time (Geez - was that 5 years ago??). So in order to take Ames - maybe they'll foot the rest of the bill for Binney park????
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

They have started installing cladding on the podium facing the alley.
Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

They have started installing cladding on the podium facing the alley.

Whatever you do, don't take a picture of it

Re: Ames Street Residence | 88 Ames Str. - Kendall Sq. | Cambridge

cladding working its way up the (growing) tower

