Hell yea the crown gives it a couple more floors too, didn't know know that. Sound like a broken record, but this is how you do it right with the bare minimum materials and massing. A good architect can use whatever he/she has and make something great. You were never going to get iconic with short height, wide massing, and white precast panels remember that, but for what they had to work with they did a damn good job. The vertical lines that break away as you reach the top 1/3rd differentiating the top of the tower from the rest give it life. In that first pic the lines drop by just about a 1/3rd 3 times to give it very thin lines that lead to the top. The floor plates get darker the further up you go as well. I can see this all the way from Allston coming in on the pike too pretty cool. For what this is its a wonderful addition.
-Oh yea and thank you very much Beeline.