Radian (Dainty Dot) | 120 Kingston Street | Chinatown

Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Just a couple of quick pictures from Sunday. That whole front corner of the ground-level facade was standing (and propped up or something right at the corner, it seemed) despite everything around it being reduced to rubble, but for all I know that's business as usual and it's the next thing to go.


Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

So long, chum. I drink this bourbon in your honor.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

American "progress." The sad part is that we KNOW that we'll be stuck with its hideous replacement (or a parking lot) for at least 50 years.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

So when does the Dainty Not building start going up? Or will this be a parking lot for a millenium?
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown


And upon the demolition at 160 Kingston Street, we can be reminded of this contemporary addition also sanctioned by the Boston Civic Design Commission and BRA.

Boston's peer review process is like no other. So long as stuff gets built.

Photo credit for the image on right goes to Piggiston.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Or will this be a parking lot for a millennium?

Bingo! There are a lot of residential projects underway right now; wouldn't be surprised if the developer decided to sit things out for a few years (which then turn into a much longer period).

So long as stuff gets built
... by people who don't criticize, contradict or in any way ruffle the feathers of Boss Menino. Boston is the only city dumb enough to throw out the rule of law and willingly (5 times now) replace it with the rule of some half-literate twit from Readville.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

... by people who don't criticize, contradict or in any way ruffle the feathers of Boss Menino. Boston is the only city dumb enough to throw out the rule of law and willingly (5 times now) replace it with the rule of some half-literate twit from Readville.

A little harsh/exaggerated, but understandable.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown


Boston is the only city dumb enough to throw out the rule of law and willingly (5 times now) replace it with the rule of some illiterate twit from Readville.

Fixed that for you.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Not just illiterate, but incapable of speech, too. What's the word for that again?

(As for that contemporary addition: what would I have given to see the Dainty Dot saved because of a solution like that.)
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Stan: what do you mean? I have a hundred dollars!
Banker: not any more you don't. POOF!

If ^ that doesn't sum up the last 10 years of economic "growth" in this country then I don't know what does. Brilliant episode!
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

quick dr./by yesterday
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Could we topple the column on Kairos Shen's head?
