Radian (Dainty Dot) | 120 Kingston Street | Chinatown

Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

do u think they're saving that column for something?
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Ozymandias Menino memorial
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

As a reminder:

"I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further."

*When people thought the Dainty Dot would be integrated into an iconic tower.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Sometimes I wish historic preservation activists would go chain themselves to buildings about to undergo demolition. Not that it would do anything in the end, but at least it would bring some attention.

How many people know/care about this travesty outside this forum?

How many people will remember this building in 50, 30, 20 years?
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Sometimes I wish historic preservation activists would go chain themselves to buildings about to undergo demolition. Not that it would do anything in the end, but at least it would bring some attention.

How many people know/care about this travesty outside this forum?

How many people will remember this building in 50, 30, 20 years?

In 50 years, I wouldn't even remember my own name.

Until I look at my screenname.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

So when is basically saying the same thing over and over and over enough on this thread...
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

It's called grieving over the loss of a cherished one and if you don't like it you can kindly GTFO.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

They took the crown off the column today.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

So when is basically saying the same thing over and over and over enough on this thread...

You'd think they had taken the wrecking ball to Trinity Church or something with all the dramatics here. Before this proposal came about, I'd doubt if anyone here had even noticed this.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

The building was famous in Chinatown and part of the AIA's guide to Boston.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

You'd think they had taken the wrecking ball to Trinity Church or something with all the dramatics here. Before this proposal came about, I'd doubt if anyone here had even noticed this.

I did.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

People with an awareness of Boston's manufacturing and mercantile history know about Dainty Dot.

You'd think they had taken the wrecking ball to Trinity Church...

Interesting you mention Trinity Church. Dainty Dot was built in the same era, and sported striking Richardsonian details. The demolition of this building is a true failure of imagination.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Sorry kmp1284, I did notice the building before and thought it was exceptional. I'm sad to have watched this happen (my office is two blocks from it and I've been checking out the demolition activity daily) and sadder that what's replacing it is so unexceptional.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

I didn't think it was exceptional; I'm not angry at that. I'm just peeved that they had the option to save the front of the building but was told not to by our city.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Well, I disagree with you. It was a great little building.
We're all allowed to have our own opinions.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Well, I disagree with you. It was a great little building.
We're all allowed to have our own opinions.

I'm not saying you are wrong. That's only my opinion. I apologize if it came off like I was criticizing you.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Even in it's it abandoned state, the aesthetics of this building always struck me as one of the the most interesting around and probably the best in that neighborhood
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

It may be time to start moving on to the acceptance stage
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

A better idea might be to hurl bricks from the Dainty Dot at the jerk-offs who run the BRA.

Boston's value as a city of historic and otherwise architecturally significant buildings is being undermined every day. We allow the demolition of valuable buildings, and tolerate cheap, thoughtless, and unsympathetic modifications to others. And the bulk new "architecture" we see is bereft of civic ambition, below the watermark of a city of Boston stature. The tower proposed for this site is an object-lesson in the insipid trumping the iconic.

Those who care deeply about the built environment in Boston and our architectural heritage from Charles Bulfinch to Paul Rudolph, have grown weary with the piss-poor stewardship of King Tom and his jester, Kairos Shen. I look forward to their departure from City Hall.
