Radian (Dainty Dot) | 120 Kingston Street | Chinatown

changes in height

I remember when Columbus Square was planned as one 12 story building
Why did residents force the developer to switch to masonry from a glass facade? I originally liked this proposal, but now that its been shortened, and materials and design have changed, I'm holding my breath.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

This is the updated tower design as per the BRA website.
The new height is 320' to the top of the mechanicals.









Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

wow, NIMBYs apparently butchered a formerly stunning design and now we have this. typical
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

? I don't think many neighbors have had any input into the design. How did the original differ?

I think this looks awesome!
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Rick, can you post the link to the BRA site? I want to put up some photos on my own blog, but don't want to steal your images.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

<sigh> typical Boston. I'm happy to see more of the Dainty Dot on the streetlevel, and I do like the curve openeing the view to the south. But where the hell did the rest of the quasi biomorphic design go?

Is this residential, commercial, hotel... oh who cares, it's so boring it could be all 3.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

I think it's really nice but the top leaves much to be desired. Hopefully Menino will come in and enforce a hat.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

The old design was definitely better looking, but I don't mind this at all. It's still all glass, and it doesn't look bad at all. It definitely isn't going to win any awards, but it's still a good looking building.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Ugh. Public process run amok.

Looks like it just got off the train from Hartford.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Not every building has to be an ego-statement or win an award. This is a place-setter, which is not so bad a thing perhaps. I like that part of the Dainty Dot is preserved, though I admit I'm partial to the mix (the collision) of old and new. I always liked the Dot. (I'd take it over all the new designs.) The previous design was more adventurous certainly but it didn't evoke Boston (to my mind) any more than this design.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

So this


is going to replace this



Also, can anyone explain the point of the stupid curved street?

Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

I like this design a lot, although I do think the first design was better. I like how it is like a semi-circle, it is better than like some square building that is usually built. I also agree with van, a hat would look spectacular on this.
Anyways, I feel much better about the new design than I thought we were gonna get from the negotiations between the neighborhood and the designers. Overall, I am liking this.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

The curved street is just a connection between two streets that would otherwise interrupt the plaza - and contribute to the traffic mess on Surface Artery (note to Mayor: please change this name. Now.) It would be nice to get some interesting little curvy building inside the parabola there.

Anyway, I'm not too upset over the design fudge. It still works nicely at street level, even if any vista toward it will be vaguely Hartfordesque.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

This looks a lot better then the last version, IMO, but they didn't have any renderings of the last version of the Greenway elevation, so I wouldn't know. This looks nice and fits great in that spot. It's a perfect blend of old and new, and has great modern design for Boston compared to other buildings. I love this new building, based on these renderings. Hope it gets built.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

I hate that part of the park. It has no benches, practically no vegetation, and what little streetwall there is does nothing to contain the space. I won't go so far as to say it's as bad as City Hall plaza, but it's up there.
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

It looks unfinished. Is it?
Re: 120 Kingston, 29 Story Tower in Chinatown

Ya, that part of the sidewalk is odd. Why did they leave it soooo open? Was it maybe so street performers would have room to perform? Or they just didn't feel like spending money to add nice things in that area? I feel like it is the latter. lol
