Rose Kennedy Greenway

*Facepalm* The 'best and brightest'? redesign the Greenway.

Stephanie Rogowski: Preserve the Greenway as open space

Rogowski: ?If the parcels where the Greenway is now had been available for development from day one, they may have been developed much like the rest of downtown. They potentially could have become an extension of the North End or perhaps a sub-community. Either way, we'd likely have a different city. It's fortunate that Boston has as much scattered open space; that's what makes it vary from New York and other cities.?

I need to borrow a pair of hands and another face because facepalming on my own isn't even enough.

Her plan is to do nothing. No tree planting. No elimination of cross-streets. Nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. IT'S PERFECT AS-IS GUYS WE'RE NOT NEW YORK.
Funny how not one of these "best and brightest" considered actually building on the parcels to connect the city. Nobody in this group suggested closing the cross streets and connecting the parks without any breaks. Nobody in this group suggested covering the tops of the pergolas in the North End parks with at least mesh to offer some sort of shade until an appropriate vine is chosen, I think wysteria is best (see Christopher Columbus Park) and fastest growing. I wish I didn't care about any of this, but I do. Like most of us here, we see what could have been and don't want to settle for what is done. I hate mediocrity and that's what we have here in abundance.
Someone needs to tell the wiz-kids that it's difficult to see the road with your head up your ass.

It's like we've entered the Animal Farm of urban planning.
Only the last guy, Kevin MacNichol, seems to (somewhat) get it. Aside from that, put a group of "architects" together and what are the chances that someone would say "bike path!" Another one would say "urban farm!" Another one would say "Composting exhibition!" These "architects" have forgotten - or never learned - how to build! Or perhaps they're too busy being utopian philosophers to notice their own mediocrity.

Elevated central artery = tragedy
Greenway = farce
I wonder if European students would have said anything different. The Eco / Green fetishism there is 1000x more annoyingly predominant, and these concepts tend to be conflated with MORE PARKS MORE PARKSSS...
...put a group of "architects" together and what are the chances that someone would say "bike path!" Another one would say "urban farm!" Another one would say "Composting exhibition!"

The results of these urbanism faux-competitions read almost like a Tea Party tirade in the comments section of the Globe. You know exactly what you're going to see in response to any solicitation for ideas, and that response is not really going to be more than a bunch of popular buzzwords that are seemingly applied without considering the context.

"BIKE PATH!" is the urbanist equivalent of "SOCIALIST ELITIST!" It's one of the favored reflexive responses to anything at all.
With the BSA celebrating 'Heroic' (there is NOTHING 'heroic' about ego driven anti-urban architecture you dolts!) superblock concrete Brutalism without also including a critique of the flaws, I can only imagine the academic situation deteriorating further. Apparently students don't even have to make anything practically related to architecture anymore. Just make a highly fanciful fetish satisfying presentation with trite computer graphics, reinforce the existing opinions of like minded professors and peers, then after a few years of repeating this intellectually bankrupt cycle, someone will hand you a diploma.

Honestly, can we maybe force these people to date civil engineers or something? Maybe it would help?
I don't understand how somebody who is supposedly bright and educated will respond to the question of how to fix the RKG with the answer that it should be protected in the current state. Dumb.
Just so you guys know, half of these architecture students will be what my teacher described as, "small project architects," meaning they won't be the bigshot world famous architects that you hear about. Most of these guys will grow up designing suburban houses. The reason why is already obvious.

Also, ignore the Harvard, WIT, BAC architects. The only architects that actually know what they are doing are the MIT kids. I'm not surprised that the last kid, an NEU student, has some understanding. A few architecture teachers at NEU are MIT grads. I was lucky enough to be taught by one too. He was probably taught by one, too.
^ but there so nice to look at as u sit in traffic :) today!>
windshield pixs can't beat them!
that dam traffic light again!
well kind of near the Greenway
took these on the way back in
the old standard
then had to go back out
Need some serious SHADE..........I'm cooking on this Glorified Median Strip. I did run through the fountains.
