Rose Kennedy Greenway

Just make sure that huge parking lot is broken up into numerous small parcels, with different developers. Then it will be like the rest of the North End. And please ... no glass architecture (or pre-cast).
^ Agree about cutting up the site. I recently walked past it with a friend -- it may be the most dispiriting steps you can take along the Greenway.

ablarc, I think everyone knows the sort of "glass architecture" you're forbidding here, and I agree. But would something in the spirit of Herzog & de Meuron's 40 Bond Street be acceptable?

Separate question: in this specific context, what's the difference between 55' and 85'?
I am in agreement with the height restriction for this particular parcel. (For just about every other case, not so much.) This one is part of the North End and should be in line with the rest of the neighborhood.

I disagree. With the prospect of building on the ramp parcel grim, the facade on the Greenway should match its scale. There should be a way to modulate the height from something that matches the rooftops of the North End on the back to something appropriate for the Greenway on that side.
^Not unlike Bruner Cott's design for the new BU student center. Scaled appropriately to Bay State Rd brownstones and ascends on the Kenmore/Deerfield St side (with a more updated, modern look).
Beton Brut said:
But would something in the spirit of Herzog & de Meuron's 40 Bond Street be acceptable?

In theory I'd think so, but can you imagine CBT or Arrowstreet trying to do something "in the spirit"? Because that's the quality of architecture that site will afford, especially if it's forced to stick with the 55 foot height limit.

On that, I agree with czsz's idea of graduated height increases as it nears the Greenway, which needs buildings to contain all that wide open space way more than the North End fabric needs to be extended.
ablarc, I think everyone knows the sort of "glass architecture" you're forbidding here, and I agree. But would something in the spirit of Herzog & de Meuron's 40 Bond Street be acceptable?
Yep, and even better is 25 Bond Street, imo.

In theory I'd think so, but can you imagine CBT or Arrowstreet trying to do something "in the spirit"? Because that's the quality of architecture that site will afford, especially if it's forced to stick with the 55 foot height limit.
It's really a question of taste, isn't it? Do you have to go to Europe for taste? Won't get it from CBT.
Ground Breaking Ceremony for Armenian Heritage Park to Be Held on Sept. 9:

I like how all the renders I have seen show people actually walking on the winding paths and not cutting across the grass. LIKE THAT'S GONNA' HAPPEN!
Just what is needed. A park within a "park". I would have loved to have seen a modern building of at least 20 stories erected on this site.
This is a very small block for such a tall building. After taking out space for elevators and stairs you wouldn't have much floor area left.
Add in some 10ft tall hedges, and then you have yourself a memorial
With the carousel right down the block, it almost seems like they are trying to make a caarnival out of the RKG.
Would the addition of the Armenian Genocide Memorial basically color it as a carnival of death?
Exactly how are people to repose and contemplate here when it's surrounded by roads (and lacking any hedges/barriers) on 3.5 sides?
See how nice DC's waterfront labyrinth fits in the shadow of an elevated expressway? No need for Boston to have torn down the old Central artery.




Note as well the multitudes of people frolicking and enjoying the park.
Maybe we can fill all the other empty Greenway parcels with memorials to atrocities as well. We can market it next to the Freedom Trail as Boston's Highway of Horrors. Bring the kids!
Exactly how are people to repose and contemplate here when it's surrounded by roads (and lacking any hedges/barriers) on 3.5 sides?

They can however sit quietly in the shade. Oh wait, there is no place to sit in the shade. Why oh why is the greenway so intent on not allowing a shady respite on this God forsaken median strip?
This is a very small block for such a tall building. After taking out space for elevators and stairs you wouldn't have much floor area left.

This isn't really a block - it goes right up against the adjacent ramp parcel. Now if the parcels were combined - this park and the ramp parcel - maybe a developer would be able to make the whole thing work.

I guess we'll never know.
