Rose Kennedy Greenway

From looking at the plans here, it appears that the labyrinth will be buffered by trees on most sides. How long it will take the trees to grow to the desired height, I don't know.
that's the Harbor Islands pavilion, not the Armenian labyrinth parcel, right?
Looks like a freeway off-ramp. Are they rebuilding the elevated Central Artery?
I have to say, no kidding, I thought the ceremony today was supposed to be for the opening of the memorial, not the f-ing ground-breaking ceremony. I assumed the thing was done already.

Ground-breaking? More like heart-breaking.

(And, yes, Ron, that's the pavilion parcel in the photo above.)
I have to say, no kidding, I thought the ceremony today was supposed to be for the opening of the memorial, not the f-ing ground-breaking ceremony. I assumed the thing was done already.

Ground-breaking? More like heart-breaking.

(And, yes, Ron, that's the pavilion parcel in the photo above.)

Silly John, all new parks must open in the dead of winter.
What's this? Are they having problems casting the concrete canopies for the Harbor Islands Pavilion? They setup the forms months ago it seems. I hope they have more to show for than a bunch or cracked concrete shells.
Why is that foolish?

Because they're not just pouring concrete into a sonotube. Or setting vertical forms for a retaining wall. These seem like fairly precise, custom-designed pieces. If you could cast them in a climate-controlled factory why wouldn't you?
Because they're not just pouring concrete into a sonotube. Or setting vertical forms for a retaining wall. These seem like fairly precise, custom-designed pieces. If you could cast them in a climate-controlled factory why wouldn't you?

Cost I suppose. Don't get me wrong, I knew the answer when I asked the question (I'm guessing the same is true of your last post), but there are always concessions made to the ideal come VE. It probably had to be cast onsite or chucked, and the designer said "lets do this". They look like forms with a consistent thickness, fairly rebar-able, I don't think it is necessary "foolish" to consider doing it onsite if its a considerable savings--though looking at the crack in the photo you may be exactly right (but also I don't know if these are the pile of ones that were dropped, or the remnants of early experiments in concrete mixes, etc)
Fair point. Especially given that these would probably have had to have been shipped in from NH (where the two biggest and cheapest precast factories that I can think of are located). These don't look stackable so the supplier may have only been able to fit 2 or 3 per trailer load.
Cost I suppose. Don't get me wrong, I knew the answer when I asked the question (I'm guessing the same is true of your last post), but there are always concessions made to the ideal come VE. It probably had to be cast onsite or chucked, and the designer said "lets do this". They look like forms with a consistent thickness, fairly rebar-able, I don't think it is necessary "foolish" to consider doing it onsite if its a considerable savings--though looking at the crack in the photo you may be exactly right (but also I don't know if these are the pile of ones that were dropped, or the remnants of early experiments in concrete mixes, etc)

It's a sign of an architecture firm which doesn't understand, or simply doesn't care about the long term qualities of, building materials and construction methods. Value engineering a pitiful excuse for the poor execution of a critical element any architect should have had the foresight to realize was economically questionable.

One simply does not design a complex concrete form NEXT TO THE BLOODY OCEAN if IT IS OBVIOUS IT CAN NOT BE EXECUTED PROPERLY (to not fail in short order) WITHIN THE PROJECT BUDGET.
The Zaha Hadid Design looks alot like the Dubai Metro. Did he do that as well or did Dubai rip him off as well?

Zaha Hadid is a her. And I think Dubai ripped her off, indeed.
M.I.C.K.E.Y...K.E.N.N.E.D.Y....Though I suppose it's more dignified and world class to have your own custom designed attraction instead of a generic rental...

A gleeful gallop

With input from children, Hub looks to launch carousel on Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway

After struggling to get family-centered attractions to stick, the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway will soon have one that goes round and round.

The success of a rented carousel the past two years has inspired the greenway conservancy to commit to building its own by 2012, with a $1 million anonymous gift, to attract crowds under a colorful canopy designed with the help of Boston children.

?The purpose of the greenway is to have a space that is beautiful and lively and brings Boston together ? a place where people can make memories,?? said Nancy Brennan, executive director of the greenway conservancy, who plans to announce the carousel project today. ?Nothing can be more popular for children and their families than a carousel.??

The project is a bit of a breakthrough for the conservancy, which struggled amid the economic collapse and greenway neighbors? reluctance to fund and win approval for major attractions. Two other major projects are now in the works ? the new Armenian Heritage Park, where ground was recently broken, and the Boston Harbor Islands Pavilion, where a construction crew is building a 4,500-square-foot open-air facility that will be a new visitors? information center.

In the last year, the conservancy has tried to boost offerings along the crescent of parks built along the path of the old elevated Central Artery, rolling out food trucks that hawk healthy fare, Wi-Fi service for laptop toters, new signs for tourists, patio chairs, and umbrellas for shade.

City officials say they have made strides on the greenway and promise more projects in the next five years.

Kairos Shen, the city?s chief planner, said the city is currently soliciting bids for Mary Soo Hoo Park near Chinatown on the greenway?s south end. By next year, work will begin on a new public market near the North End, with expanded space for Haymarket vendors.

?The city has been working on the capital investments and new parks and new facilities along the greenway along with the conservancy,?? Shen said.

The carousel is being made possible with a $1 million commitment from an anonymous donor to the Boston Foundation. An initial $225,000 was recently released to the conservancy to get the design process started. The rest of the money will come later, after a public process that includes input from neighbors and community groups.

Over the next three months, youngsters will also have a chance to shape the carousel. Officials hope to target youngsters in schools and from the Children?s Museum to offer design ideas inspired by their surroundings and experiences. Officials say they?re open to wacky suggestions like those that inspired penguins and Komodo dragons on a carousel at the Akron Zoo, marine wildlife and sea monsters in Detroit, or the ?Carousel of Happiness?? in Nederland, Colo.

If Eli Lukens, a 4-year-old from Weymouth, got his way, however, the new carousel would stick to a more traditional design. ?I like the horses,?? he said shyly, after a ride on the carousel yesterday. ?And I like the music.??

A public meeting is planned next month, and details about whether the carousel should be seasonal or year-round may be discussed. The ride now operates from May through October.

?It is intriguing to think of what children would like to ride on that is quintessential of Boston and of the greenway,?? said Brennan. ?It should really be fun and we should know [their ideas] in three months.??

Greenway users have had the past two years to warm up to the carousel. The conservancy has been renting one on a patch on the greenway, next to the planned pavilion and heritage park, in hopes of gauging its popularity. ?You?d be amazed how much elderly women come down to here to use it,?? said operator Patricia Richardson, a 63-year-old New Hampshire resident who collects the $3 tickets along with her husband, James.

A longtime amusement ride worker, James Richardson said many who come for the carousel ? especially the children ? love the lights, the slow ride, and the trill of the the merry-go-round organ. ?You look at the smile on their faces on their first ride and their eyes light up,?? he said.

Meghan Irons can be reached at
