At least you packed that pipe with something decent. Not too shabby of an idea. The ramp parcels suck in that the break up the continuity of the parks. They give you that rumble strip sidewalk that hurts the feet to keep you off those parcels.
I agree with the sentiments 2 pages ago about the success of the rings fountain. It makes me smile everytime I go by and families are enjoying it.
It does make me wish for the 1,000ndth time that they reduced the streets on either side by at least a lane each (from 6 down to 4 sounds reasonable to me), to gain 50 or so feet of "park". I get nervous every now and then when I see the parents getting a little absent minded because the kids are enjoying the water, because inevitably I always see a kid or 2 sprinting out towards the roadway. Luckily they smarten up or their parents catch on before anything bad can happen.
I still think the greenway has potential, but 2 less lanes and half as many cross roads would do it wonders.
I often wonder how the North End parcels got to be so nice with the pergolas and running water features when it's right across froman existing beautiful park. Maybe because people actually live in the North End and complained and pushed for something better. The further south you go, the more it sucks because no one lives there or has a reason to go there....