Sad. The weather was so nice today in Boston and the greenway parks around Haymarket were largely empty (although it was Patriots Day so this area of town was quieter than usual). I walked with 2 co-workers from my workplace near government center and crossed the greenway en route to lunch on Salem St. in the N. End. As we crossed the greenway via the N. End park section, both of them commented that the greenway seemed to be "missing something." I explained that perhaps buildings or structures would have been a better fit. Both briefly gave me a blank look and then stated that the parks should have been designed better (neither have any particular interest or background in design issues). I informed them that in warmer weather there is a water feature in the N. End park, which seemed to please them a bit more. However, it was interesting for me to hear the opinions of those who do not have particularly strong opinions on urban design issues. As the park appeared today, it did not make much of an impression on them.