Route 128 Developments

And you're DAMN lucky if you can make it to Symphony in 10 minutes from Park Street...

10 minutes from Park to Symphony? That's unpossible!

^ Where is it? Oh wait. You just posted a random picture that's probably not even in Massachusetts again didn't you?
Whoa bro, overreact much? Your act loses its cuteness when you get mad.
So I ask the mods, why haven't APOM been ban from this forum? He contributes nothing to this forum, starts flame wars, and trolls threads. If Dudeyoursisterishot been banned for similar reason, why are we letting APOM ruin this forum? These two (if they're not the same person in real life) are basically the same.
+1 to Kentie

Also, the inferiority complex and insecurity behind APOM's personal urban choices is deafening... more than anyone on skyscrapercity even.
Name the last "flame war" I started. You can't because you're just trying to smear me in this thread about strip malls on 128.

Well for starters, there isn't an Applebees in the town of Lexington. Ironically, there are two in the "city" of Boston.
You are correct. By definition, you're not starting a flamewar. But you are purposely trying to insult people continuosly (in a thread, no doubt, that you said pages ago was not interesting to you).

You are attacking people by making fun of where they reside, and you are doing it in a bullyish way.

Definitions and insults aside, I am amazed at the lengths that you are going to within a relatively unpopular AB thread to insult those who didn't choose to live where you did. This thread is to champion the development around Boston that helps to add to the GDP of the entire metropolis.

Now the burden of proof is on you to prove that you don't live in your mom's basement.
^how exactly is that an example of me starting a flame war? You must site threads where I am specifically attacking people within the last four months. The burden of proof is on you ol' chaps.

Posting an unflattering picture of an individual and attributing it to a specific poster isn't an attack?
^The whole forum is people sharing pictures of developments. If you don't like the 128 developments don't click the thread. If you don't understand why people share and like taking pictures of developments in and around greater Boston, why are you here?
Guys, you're replying to someone who's only goal is to antagonize you. Ignore him and he makes one asinine post instead of 20.
agree I keep posting and I just ignor him and btw its 02124 not 02125
Name the last "flame war" I started. You can't because you're just trying to smear me in this thread about strip malls on 128.

Your thread "Obama is a failure" is an example. Granted it is in the General section but that's just inviting people to fight over politics.

If you want to discuss about politics in a meaningful way, this:

I can't believe I voted for this douchebag twice! His foreign policy is retarded...arming jihadists in syria!?!? Supporting the muslim brotherhood in Egypt!?!?!? Are you fucking kidding me!?!?!? Yeah Obama care is good and so is his policy on gay marriage, but he has no fucking clue what to do in international politics. Fucking as worthless as Jimmy Carter.

is not how you start it. It's childish and it's just trolling for a reaction.

Mods...feel free to move these posts elsewhere.
Right! It's in the general section and it's not de-railing any of the development threads, so how is it a problem again? Once again, I stated my opinion on Obama but I never personally attacked an Ab member. As of yet, that thread hasn't turned into a flame war so I think your evidence is lacking. Yes, data did personally attack me in that thread, but I was the bigger person and didn't reciprocate his insults with more insults. BTW, based on your reasoning, data should now be banned because he was attacking me in that thread and trying to start a flame war, which I absolutely don't want because I respect each and everyone of you!

If that was the case, you wouldn't have posted "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO STOP POSTING IN THIS THREAD" (this was already deleted so I can't reference the exact post).

What gives you the right to tell people what they can and can't post in particular threads. Are you a mod? No. Are you God? No. This thread is interesting to some and not to others, deal with it. Avoid clicking on it if you fall into the second group, simple as that.
And the ArchBoston smear campaign continues against me....

Do you ever stop to wonder why there's a so-called smear campaign against you? We get it, you like to push buttons...super cool story bro. But the people are speaking and we don't need OR want your trolling.

It's one thing to troll some dumb-ass youtube comments, but it's another thing entirely to shit all over a place where people are trying to discuss issues that actually matter. You just keep spewing shit all over every thread and then you protest that there's a "smear campaign" against you? Color me shocked!!
