Seaport Neighborhood - Infill and Discussion

Re: South Boston Seaport

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Re: South Boston Seaport

whats the deal with the mall type building that is in the vicinity of Black Falcon. If I can think of it I will snap pics this week.

It seems like it has potential but no tenants.... there is a bank in there now. .. thats all.
Re: South Boston Seaport

whats the deal with the mall type building that is in the vicinity of Black Falcon. If I can think of it I will snap pics this week.

It seems like it has potential but no tenants.... there is a bank in there now. .. thats all.

The long building with loading docks? It also has an Au Bon Pain
Re: South Boston Seaport

no its like new like within the past year or so......

eh... let me get down there and take pics or explain myself better.

It looks like someone plopped a small empty shopping mall there with hopes it will thrive ... .
Re: South Boston Seaport

^ I'm so sorry, but in some views Boston looks unbelievably rinky-dink. This is one such view.
Re: South Boston Seaport

YES YES What in the hell is that thing supposed to be ? ? ? ?
Re: South Boston Seaport

no its like new like within the past year or so......

eh... let me get down there and take pics or explain myself better.

It looks like someone plopped a small empty shopping mall there with hopes it will thrive ... .

It isnt that new, I can see it in the old and new streetview (last summer and 3 years ago)

Anyone know the point of the two shacks in the middle of the road? Theyre like toll booths, but abandoned.
Re: South Boston Seaport

Anyone know the point of the two shacks in the middle of the road? Theyre like toll booths, but abandoned.

There's also one by the circle by the Pavilion. Those are the only 2 ways into the area of the former Naval Annex. Checkpoints from the hey-day?
Re: South Boston Seaport

I thought this was an Army Base, not Navy. But yeah, they were probably once manned security gates.
Re: South Boston Seaport

I thought it was Army too but then I've heard both. CAN ANYONE CLARIFY THIS?
Re: South Boston Seaport

I thought it was Army too but then I've heard both. CAN ANYONE CLARIFY THIS?

The army definitely owns or leases property over there. This parking lot off Summer St is always full of 5-ton army trucks and humvees. National Guard maybe?
Re: South Boston Seaport

^ I tend to agree with Corey's point.

I'm no expert on this stuff, but here's another opinion...

This building is merely a placeholder, replacing the red paneled wood building of the same size (if I remember correctly) and that's exactly what it should be. Land in the bank.

It's one of the few areas in the Marine Industrial Park where the working port could actually expand if shipping and maritime activity were greatly revitalized.

IMO, Massport has been incredibly shortsighted, squandering land that has an exclusive value in serving maritime and port-related functions for development of hotels and offices as a means of generating income. Massport's mission was to act as a long-term steward of the working port, and in many respects they have not done so.

I know the arguments... there are other ports on the eastern seaboard that are more economical than Boston. They say the writing was on the wall that port activity was dying.

I disagree, and envision a healthy future for the shipping industry. For one, it's an extremely valuable mode for transport of goods with rising fuel prices. Massport probably never anticipated the spike in fuel prices, making air transport much more expensive. They should have.

If container ships experience a tenfold increase in business, or if cruise ships and liners see Boston as a potential destination, we will find that expansion possibilities have been capped, from Fish Pier to Drydock.
Re: South Boston Seaport

^^ I agree w/ Sicilian there is not one reason why Boston can't have a healthy shipping port. It is one of the larger metro areas in the country, and closer to Europe than any port south of us, a lot closer than Savanah. It seems like it would be a wise choice in increase shipping's potential here and leave the hotels and offices for any other part of the city.
Re: South Boston Seaport

I assumed you were exaggerating, but that building does indeed go on forever. It looks horrible but it's an industrial building, right? There are a lot of loading docks on the back wing.

That side of the building is all ground-floor retail. I believe there's now a DD in there that survives for reasons I don't fully understand.
Re: South Boston Seaport

there is not one reason why Boston can't have a healthy shipping port

One thing that's been holding Boston back is the fact that Conley Terminal is in a flight path. That has prevented Conley from utilizing bigger cranes which keeps Boston from being able to unload larger ships that are stacked higher with shipping containers. The good news is MPA recently bought the old oil terminal next to Conley which apparently can accomodate taller cranes.
They've also discussed creating a haul road directly to the highway by cutting through the old Boston Edison plant and building a causeway parallel to the Summer St causeway. This would eliminate the need to send all truck traffic down (the relatively residential) East First St.
Re: South Boston Seaport

Thats good to hear. This is an industry Boston should try to stay in.
