Silver Line to Chelsea

How much ridership SL6 (or the new SL3 if that's what it ends up being) pulls away from the existing routes also is going to be partly a function of how some of the people living within walking distance of the existing routes will be within walking distance of the new busway, and others won't, in addition to the questions of which transfer station will be most convenient for people to connect to.

I think the challenge with queue jump lanes or full bus lanes is identifying places where there is space for them where people will be willing to have them installed. Aside from the possibility of having the longest possible 115 continue onto the B branch ROW if that's rebuilt to be usable by both buses and trains, I'm not sure there are any great opportunities for full bus lanes on either 115 or 118 south of the Chelsea busway.

I think I've heard that the MBTA may be getting money from a developer near the southern edge of Everett to redo the Sullivan busway, but I haven't seen any detailed plans for that; I'm not sure what effect that will have on travel times through Sullivan.

I'm wondering if the neighborhood square problems might be less pronounced on 118 than on 86. Is there anything to the northwest of Sullivan along 118 that is as difficult as Brighton Center, for example? (Hopefully the Chelsea busway will let 118 bypass most of the downtown Chelsea traffic.)
How much ridership SL6 (or the new SL3 if that's what it ends up being) pulls away from the existing routes also is going to be partly a function of how some of the people living within walking distance of the existing routes will be within walking distance of the new busway, and others won't, in addition to the questions of which transfer station will be most convenient for people to connect to.

I live at Webster & Eastern, a little under a mile (I can walk it in about 9 min) from the Eastern Ave stop right over the bridge (Logan Employee Garage), and I will absolutely be using the SL Gateway every day and not the 116/117, despite that it will be a much longer walk for me comparatively (the 116/117 stops 2 blocks away on Broadway @ Webster - merely a 2 minute or so walk home from the stop).
I went and did my grocery shopping this morning and drove the route of the busway after to check on construction progress of the busway.

Not much going on, except more grading, but the initial construction of Box District Station has started!!!


Here's a early rendering from MassDOT of the finished product (for reference)


Unfortunately I have to do some work this afternoon, so I can't walk the route today and take pics. It's a cloudy day and may rain later so not a good picture day anyways (I like tend to favor sunny days, it's makes the pictures so crisp and clear)

I will walk the route next weekend and take pictures for AB!

This is exciting.. it's like happening NOW.
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awesome, thanks!

Are those concrete arches in the rendering? They look pretty thin, impressive
awesome, thanks!

Are those concrete arches in the rendering? They look pretty thin, impressive

Yes which is what is being built now. I mean okay.. I guessed at what is being built but it sure looks looks like cement forms. And I can't think of anything else that would be built in that spot (at least what is in the project plans)

I'll be honest.. they won't provide much shelter from the elements, I think it's more just for "show". There will be enclosed bus shelters (heated I believe) for the actual passenger waiting area.
I don't know if the concrete arches are really for shelter. They will provide shade with the horizontal pieces,and the small buss shelters integrated into them will provide the seats and shelter necessary, but I think of those arches as more of a wayfinding structure. They clearly show where the station actually is located, and where to stand to catch the bus int he bus way. After living in Pittsburgh for a few years where busways are how you get around, I learned that is actually a real problem with busway stations. Creating something to prove that this is more than just an average bus stop, as well as easily declaring where the stop is, is an important part of BRT.
I don't know if the concrete arches are really for shelter. They will provide shade with the horizontal pieces,and the small buss shelters integrated into them will provide the seats and shelter necessary, but I think of those arches as more of a wayfinding structure. They clearly show where the station actually is located, and where to stand to catch the bus int he bus way. After living in Pittsburgh for a few years where busways are how you get around, I learned that is actually a real problem with busway stations. Creating something to prove that this is more than just an average bus stop, as well as easily declaring where the stop is, is an important part of BRT.

Yup. Thank you, I was thinking this but couldn't get the words off my fingers. Thats what I meant about "show". Meaning to show someone where the stop is as in wayfinding.
Will they handle the New England snow load?

I sure hope so. I think they are thinner in the renderings than they actually will be. Plus they will be narrow and sloped, so the hope is not much snow will accumulate on there and/or slide off.

Incidentally, Box District Station is the only station that will have these style covers. Most will look like what's below at Eastern Ave Station, as seen below. (this is because Box District Station is the only station where the platforms are inline with each other)

Sounds like there should be some good progress over the next two weekends on this:

"The MBTA will suspend Commuter Rail service between Lynn and North Station on Saturday, September 19 and Sunday, September 20, and again the weekend of September 26-27 from the start to end of service. Replacement bus service will be available both weekends. Impacts to local traffic on September 26 and 27 will require detours. Read more about the work and detour routes in the Construction Notice"

"The diversions will allow MassDOT to replace a bridge at Winthrop Avenue in Revere, as well as perform work on the Washington Avenue Bridge and the busway as part of the Silver Line Gateway project, including improvements to the grade crossing at Spruce Street."
Sounds like there should be some good progress over the next two weekends on this:

"The MBTA will suspend Commuter Rail service between Lynn and North Station on Saturday, September 19 and Sunday, September 20, and again the weekend of September 26-27 from the start to end of service. Replacement bus service will be available both weekends. Impacts to local traffic on September 26 and 27 will require detours. Read more about the work and detour routes in the Construction Notice"

"The diversions will allow MassDOT to replace a bridge at Winthrop Avenue in Revere, as well as perform work on the Washington Avenue Bridge and the busway as part of the Silver Line Gateway project, including improvements to the grade crossing at Spruce Street."

Yeah they were out there working... other than work that needs to be done on the Washington Ave Bridge, not sure how the SLG directly effects CR service.. but they were doing something at the CR station in Chelsea yesterday.

(I think this shutdown had more to do with the work on the Winthrop Ave bridge than anything else)


(More construction pics of SLG to follow in next post)
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As I said last week in an earlier post, I was going to take more pictures of the construction this weekend (9/19/15).

Overall construction moving right along.. more grading being done. More drainage work being done. And the most exciting thing is the concrete structures for Box District Station being built!

I'll apologize first for this not being my best set yet. I didn't get many pictures of the Washington Ave Bridge and areas around the commuter rail station because people were working. I felt weird taking pictures of the workers (Which is why I usually take pictures on Saturday mornings when work isn't usually being done) But it's nice to see work in action for once when I take photos. (I try to err on the side of caution when I take these photos)

They also had the CR platform closed off (with a cop standing there), and I usually will walk over to the edge of the CR platform to get the great shots of under the bridge, but was unable to do so this time. So no pics of the underside of the bridge. Maybe one afternoon this week I'll walk over and take pictures of just that and add them to the set.

On a different note, I'm trying to get a tour of the construction from inside the fenced off area. I just need to work a few of my political contacts to see if this can be done. I already get reconigition for taking great photos of the construction so it's good PR buzz for it. I may just want to wait until next year when the construction really ramps up, and the pictures are of actual stations and real work being done like stations and what not, rather than grading and moving around dirt. (i.e. more appealing photos that everyone will want to see.. not for just us transit geeks). More to come on that. (I also welcome anyone's suggestions on how to get a tour, besides my own contacts)

If you'd like to see the previous photo sets they can be found here by clicking on the links below:
Pics from 4/25/15
Pics from 6/20/15
Pics from 8/1/15

And if you'd like to see the ALL of NEW photos, you can click here

Now for the highlights.

More work at the Massport Garage where Eastern Ave Station is. The piles of dirt are almost gone, and it looks like they have the drainage work done. (it was very swampy and wet here initally)



Here's looking up the outbound busway toward Box District Station from the Cottage Street Crossing. Looks like they graded the full width of the busway. I'm not to sure if that construction staging area will remain after, or if it will become apart of the shared use path. (or some of it might)



Here's looking down at the inbound busway toward Eastern Ave Station from the Bellingham Street bridge. Right where I am standing is where the shared use path will meet the bridge and head down to Cottage street. You can really see the grading job for the retaining wall now.



Another picture looking outbound toward Box District Station from the Bellingham Street bridge. You can see how wide the busway is really going to be.



More drainage work and grading near Library Street



Construction of Box District Station's concrete covering/station/marker/thing.



Looking at the inbound busway toward Box District Station (which is in the distance) from the Broadway Bridge. Notice how all the trash is now cleaned up and the wall where the shared use path is now all graded.



Reconstruction of the Washington Ave bridge to make way for the busway (and to rebuild an ailing bridge). The new center support is just about done.



Reconstruction of the Washington Ave Bridge. I like this picture because it shows the underpinning of 63 Washington Ave and the existing street to have plenty of clearance to rebuild the support.



View of the future Chelsea Center Station from the Washington Ave bridge. Although not much station work going on, but they are doing something on the CR side.



Looking up the outbound busway toward Mystic Mall Station. It's all cleared and grated now.



Mystic Mall Station..or what will be a station eventually.



Market Basket's re-configured parking lot to make way for the station (big grade seperation!)



I think that's it. For more pics click on the link above for the full set of photos and let me know what you think!

Next Update: Probably Mid-November. I also anticipate that being the last set for the year, as I don't imagine much work going on during the winter months.
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Wow. This photos are incredible, thanks. They almost make me cry. This will be a great project and I wish/hope it can be replicated elsewhere.

The total (estimated) cost was $33 million?? Yes, for one mile but if that's inclusive of all costs then seems a bargain.

The renderings of the bus stops (earlier in thread) annoy me. As drawn, looks as though they don't actually keep anyone protected from elements; the wooding top is ornamental? (I guess there are boxed-in sections, too.) The covering for the bikes is so small it won't cover the length of your bike.

Why can't they just build something simple and functional?

Wow. This photos are incredible, thanks. They almost make me cry. This will be a great project and I wish/hope it can be replicated elsewhere.

The total (estimated) cost was $33 million?? Yes, for one mile but if that's inclusive of all costs then seems a bargain.

The renderings of the bus stops (earlier in thread) annoy me. As drawn, looks as though they don't actually keep anyone protected from elements; the wooding top is ornamental? (I guess there are boxed-in sections, too.) The covering for the bikes is so small it won't cover the length of your bike.

Why can't they just build something simple and functional?

I think they are simple. They aren't really for shelter, but rather to show there's a T stop there. Rather than just a bunch of bus shelters together.

These aren't the final designs, I think the bike rack will be much different as will be the vegetation.

And I think those middle pieces will be metal, not wood.
I read you wrote, "That's why I don't come here anymore" awhile back but I'm glad you came back. I love these.
Apologies if this was somewhere upward in the thread, but what is the construction status of the relocated commuter rail station and how will that affect the timetable of opening the new BRT route?
Apologies if this was somewhere upward in the thread, but what is the construction status of the relocated commuter rail station and how will that affect the timetable of opening the new BRT route?

The commuter rail station and Chelsea Center Station are apart of Phase II of the construction so it has not started yet. It should not effect the Phase I opening of the busway (Eastern Ave, Box District and Mystic Mall Stations) in late 2016, with Phase II opening by late 2017.
I love this project and hope we continue to see transit improvements to a city that deserves and would utilize rapid transit.

At $34m, this is exactly the kind of project we need.
I love this project and hope we continue to see transit improvements to a city that deserves and would utilize rapid transit.

At $34m, this is exactly the kind of project we need.

Me too. Not only because I am a daily bus rider in Chelsea, but it's great to see something moving along with little resistance. We really need this... the 111 is just insane these days now, this will help immensely.

I'm very excited to have an almost direct ride to the airport. Taking the subway to the Airport from Chelsea is a royal pain in the ass (a bus -> train -> bus).
