Wow okay.. Thanks EGE for the update. I felt bad I didn't go out in Dec, but you filled in the gap! Thanks.
But I'll still apologize for the delay. I was going to go out mid-December, however, I got sucked into a work thing, and then the holidays came and I just ran of out of time.
But I am surprised to see construction continuing, I figured by now it would have winded down for the winter months. But then again, it's been abnormally warm with no snow, so there's no reason for construction to stop if weather does permit.
There's also been some project updates outside of my photos too. The
project website has been updated with some new pictures (which I've included with the set below). And it seems like a few AB'ers prayers have been answered. They've renamed two of the stations!
Chelsea Center Station (where the current CR station is now) will now be called Bellingham Square Station. And Mystic Mall Station is now known as Chelsea Station. (no "center"). I'm not sure why the names changed, but I do think making some of it may have to do with the Commuter Rail station being moved behind Market Basket. Having it named "Mystic Mall" on the CR map, doesn't exactly tell you where the station is (unless you know were that mall is). And naming both the BRT and CR station the same name probably just makes better sense. However "West Chelsea" would be better more geographically correct, since 'downtown' Chelsea is more where the current stop is.
And as far as the other name change.. While I kinda see why, since Bellingham Square is a major bus hub and it is kinda near by (a 3-4 minute walk), it's not geographically correct either. (Fay Square would be more geographically correct)
Anyways I'm not sure why the change. I know there was a community path/design meeting a few weeks ago I wasn't able to attend due to a scheduling conflict, but I'll ask around. (unless anyone where knows

But as far as construction, its rapidly progressing. I'm even surprised. There was a lull in construction in Mid December from what I could see when I drove the route on city streets and checked on progress. Then I drove by last weekend and I was like.. wow. Lots of progress.
Eversource is almost done moving the high retention wires. The 2nd set of arches at Box District Station are being built, pavement is down in sections, and jersey barriers are installed near Chelsea (ex-Mystic Mall) Station. It's really starting to come along!
If you'd like to see the previous photo sets they can be found here by clicking on the links below:
Pics from 4/25/15
Pics from 6/20/15
Pics from 8/1/15
Pics from 9/19/15
Pics from 10/31/15
And if you'd like to see the ALL of NEW photos, you can click
Now for the highlights..
Here's looking into the busway toward Eastern Ave Station from the Bellingham Street bridge. There's now asphalt that starts just shy of Cottage Street, the runs under the bridge, almost all the way to Box District Station. There's also a small section of asphalt between Cottage and Eastern Ave Station also as you can see in the distance.
Here's looking into the busway toward Box District Station from the Bellingham Street bridge. You can really see how the busway is going to shape up, and have the community path on the left.
Here's another shot from the Bellingham Bridge at the busway toward Box District. It just looks so awesome to see it really shape up.
A view of the busway looking toward Box District Station from Willow Street.
Where the pavement ends near Box District Station (behind Atlas Lofts)
Construction of Box District Station. The first set of arches are done, now the second set is being built.
A closer look at the construction of Box District Station. They are already installing conduit!
Another view of the construction of Box District Station.
A view of the busway looking toward Box District Station from the Broadway bridge.
The reconstructed Washington Ave bridge.
Eversource moving the high retention wires near Bellingham Square Station. (New on left, old on right). Several of these poles have to be shifted several feet along the busway so it and stations can be built.
Here's looking into the busway toward Chelsea Station (ex-Mystic Mall) near MGH Chelsea. Notice how there's pavement here too and now there's jersey barriers between the new busway and CR.
Here's looking into the busway from MGH's parking lot. Looks almost done!
Here's looking into the busway toward Bellingham Square Station from Everett Ave. This is where the jersey barriers and pavement ends.
Chelsea Station.. or what will be and the commuter rail. It looks like most of the final clearing is done.
New MassDOT Rendering of Chelsea Station (BRT)
New MassDOT Rendering of new Chelsea Station Commuter Rail Platform (outbound platform)
New MassDOT Rendering of the new Chelsea Station Commuter Rail Platform (both platforms, outbound on left, inbound on right)
I think that's it for now. For more pics click on the link above for the full set of photos!
I'll continue to monitor the progress with my bi-weekly post-Basket drive bys and see if any significant progress has happened. If construction continues I should take photos late February (weather permitting), so stay tuned.