Hey All -
It's time for another monthy installment of Silver Line Gateway photos!
Sorry about the delay, again. Busy Summer.

But I'll redeem myself with this large update!
The construction is really coming along now. More so than last time. At least more noticable stuff since last time. Stuff like lighting, more pavement in sections, more grading, and generally just progress. I was pleasantly surprised to see so much work done since the last time I took photos in June.
If you'd like to see the previous photo sets they can be found here by clicking on the links below:
Pics from 4/25/15
Pics from 6/20/15
Pics from 8/1/15
Pics from 9/19/15
Pics from 10/31/15
Pics from 1/9/16
Pics from 3/12/16
Pics from 4/16/16
Pics from 5/15/16
Pics from 6/26/16
And if you'd like to see the ALL of NEW photos, you can click
Now for the highlights..
Here's looking at Eastern Ave Station from Eastern Ave. Unlike the last time, where the area was all dug up again, it's now fully graded and you can really see where the bus loop will be for Eastern Ave Station.
Here's another look at the new grading at Eastern Ave Station.
This is a common theme, electrical light posts. There's alot of them now appearing all along the project, and as you'll see below they still have more to install.
Here's looking into the busway toward Box District Station as seen from the Bellingham Street bridge. Notice the new electrical posts.
Construction gear as seen from the Bellingham Street bridge. My guess is this is what they use to put in the light posts with.
Another look at the construction gear as seen from Willow Street.
Not much going on here at Box District Station except minor electrical work. One side note, the power for the station looks like it's going to be drawn off the local power grid (not surprising), there was a cut n cover trench dug (and patch covered) that runs from a pole on Highland @ Library, down the nub end of Highland and into the station. (of course, I didn't get a picture of it)
This is where the shared use path will eventually meet the Broadway bridge (and have a pedestrian crosswalk across Broadway). Its well graded now. I assume after the retaining wall is built on the other side (see next pictures), it will be built here next down to Box District Station.
A shot looking into the busway toward Box District Station from the Broadway Bridge
Looking toward the Washington Ave bridge from the Broadway bridge, with the new retaining wall for the shared use path being built on the left.
Another shot lookng toward the Washington Ave bridge from the Broadway bridge, with the retaining wall installation for the shared use path on center.
A shot of the retaining wall installation from the completed side of the new Washington Ave bridge.
Lots of activity at Arlington @ Sixth. This entire intersection will be redone. In this shot, you can see the markings for the new curbing that will be installed to make Sixth a one way (toward the square).
In admist of barrels, here's some new markings to show where the new walkway will be.
Looking up the busway toward Bellingham Square station, from Sixth @ Arlington. They've added some new pavement.
The continuing reconstruction of the Washington Ave bridge, as seen from the current CR platform.
Finished retaining wall between Sixth Street and Spruce. And the graffiti has been covered!
New railroad crossing gear is being installed at the Spruce street crossing
Finished retaining wall near MGH Chelsea.
A look from Everett Ave at the new retaining wall behind MGH Chelsea. Mostly done, lighting included!
Chelsea Station (ex-Mystic Mall Station). And like last time, not much going on here, as it's mainly being used as a gravel pit/storage area for the project
That's it for now. So lots of changes and a ton of progress. More pics to come late Early/Mid September!