South Boston Infill and Small Developments

Thanks for the photos. I couldn't find information on the last one: 510-518 Dorchester Ave. Is this an as of right development?
The number of infill developments I see in this thread alone for South Boston astounds me. I'm really, really excited to see the 2020 US Census housing data in a few years; the growth and diversity of housing types in Southie and several other neighborhoods will be interesting to compare to 2010 #'s.
Interested to see the price points of these units. They sit literally on top of a large housing project (that is going to be redeveloped). I would guess these are going to be more affordably priced than luxury priced. This area as it currently sits is not great.
I'm amused by the proposal and a bit dazed b/c of it being in the shadow of Old Colony but wish everyone luck. "best use" of property, and all that.

For those just joining us, the proposal is for a site right up next to where "All Souls" takes place, an autobiography about growing up in the "projects" in the '70s.

Interested to see the price points of these units. They sit literally on top of a large housing project (that is going to be redeveloped). I would guess these are going to be more affordably priced than luxury priced. This area as it currently sits is not great.
You know what? If I have any sympathy for Southie NIMBYs, its because some of these projects are total fucking garbage.
This is the first example of your "classic brownstone" built in 2017 or even recently that I can think of. Not the greatest, not the worst either. Its good to see this effort though. Its really just a precast brick box with a couple bump-outs, but you don't see these going up anymore so this is kind of cool to see even if its not that great of an attempt. I thought that what we had was what he have, so if they can kind of get this perfected it would be cool to be able to add more of these to the city as they are needed very badly in the outer neighborhoods where they had stopped being built in place of triple deckers a long time ago. Get a little better brick work going and bring it all the way to the street with a stoop leading up from the street to the front door and you could have a winner. Between the bump outs on the next floor down would be the front door with a stoop leading up to it and you have a winner. They even put a cornice haha I like it....even though its kind of a sad attempt.

You wont get something as good as the old stuff (below) built in 2017 but they could deliver something good enough for the outer neighborhoods. You wouldn't want the above built in the back bay, but it'll work in Southie, Dorchester, Roxbury.

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Get a little better brick work going and bring it all the way to the street with a stoop leading up from the street to the front door and you could have a winner.

One thing I've often wondered about is the compatibility of stoops with our modern accessibility movement and an aging group of baby boomers. Is there a replacement that brings many of the urban niceties of stoops while remaining accessible?
