The spire needs to come back. It was an homage to the Boston Garden and was more unique than this ugly roof.
Not sure how anyone can look at the old proposal and call this one any worse. The previous one was a box with a dumb spire and this is a box with a dumb overhang.
Please no. That looks like three massive balconiesIt looks like there was a halfhearted attempt to make it look like the blue section is "sheathing" the tower.
I think if they had just gone with that it could have been interesting.
Obviously a rough photochop, but I think it is less bad than the proposal.
Please no.
As bad as this is it actually improves the West End area.
There are some proposals I really want to like, but I can't. That describes the original box-with-spire proposal.
This proposal: I really want to hate it, but I can't.
Somehow, the whole is more than the sum of the parts. It's eclectic and decadent, messy and the antithesis of sterile. With the (still very well-done) base, it gives the impression of layered history, of lively vertical urbanity.
If it won't stand out, why not let it just blend in by being indistinct.
Agree... but they fail to do that with a giant ugly red (or whatever color) overhang at the top.
...and the giant ugly blue glass waistband.