The Ipswich | 2 Charlesgate West | Fenway

Wish I hadn’t loved the original design so much.
The original design was too good.
I could be wrong but I don't think that was ever a serious proposal.
All towers everywhere are by definition "tumescent"--they stand tall and erect. Otherwise, they'd collapse (or they'd not in fact be towers, but would be gas stations, or big-box econo retailers, or mortuaries, or whatever...).

Thus, I'd love to hear the explanation of how "tumescence," instead of being a universal feature involving, you know.... being tall, erect, and possessing structural integrity ... is in fact part of a highly pernicious syndrome localized to Boston's architectural ecosystem... I'll wait!

Perhaps “saddle bag” or “mud flap” tickles your torpedo?

All towers everywhere are by definition "tumescent"--they stand tall and erect. Otherwise, they'd collapse (or they'd not in fact be towers, but would be gas stations, or big-box econo retailers, or mortuaries, or whatever...).
Pretty sure Toby is using the other, literary minded meaning of the word, ie pretentious.
