... .and right on schedule, the AB community loses their collective shit.
The only thing it ruins is a beautiful old church, but that didn't have many options available to it anyway.
Actually, it DID have options. The Boston Chinatown Evangelical Church tried to buy the church, to use it as a (go figure) church! (They own the building right next door.) But the Archdiocese did not want to see the property used by another non-Catholic religious group (they are really averse to that kind of reuse), so they sold to a developer instead.
If they can do it to a 1960s warehouse, why not a church?
This may turn out better than the renderings.
But WTF is going on with the rear elevation of the rectory?
The only explanation I have is they expect another building to eventually butt against it separated by a narrow alley, and the recessed balconies are there for code.
Exactly correct. The parties that abut The Lucas have already filed a joint PDA for development behind (on Washington Street) and beside the building to the north on Shawmut.
FYI the PDA designation will allow the abutters to go up to 14 or 15 stories. They will basically swallow up The Lucas.